名称 | Eric Clapton - Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 (DVD1) |
文件名 | CROSSROADS_1.iso |
容量 | 8,011,085,824 字节 (7.46 GB) |
SHA1 | CB7F5A86177D544703FEB25CA1D2D4C5EBA5E2A2 |
名称 | Eric Clapton - Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 (DVD2) |
文件名 | CROSSROADS_2.iso |
容量 | 7,980,689,408 字节 (7.43 GB) |
SHA1 | D76499F8210188D1AB2F817D218E9F5F517CF100 |

2004 年前,Eric Clapton 举行了首届以知名吉他大师为阵容的 Crossroads 吉他音乐节,为 Crossroads 中心安提瓜岛的毒瘾治疗场所和教育设施进行筹款,并创造了吉他文化,这两张 DVD 总共八次以白金销量证明了这是全世界销量最好的音乐 DVD 之一。
2007 年年初出现了第二个惊人的进展,Clapton 在芝加哥邀请了一些老朋友和一些为吉他音乐节而来的朋友,这两张 DVD 记录了夏天在芝加哥举行的 Crossroads 吉他音乐节每一个精彩的部分。
这两张总时长为四小时的高清 DVD,包括了许多有名的吉他音乐家单独表演和与其他音乐家一起表演。在后台以出色的画面捕捉到每一位顶尖的吉他手的表演。Clapton 说他创造了这个音乐节的原因是为了让他的朋友和当代杰出的吉他手可以尽兴地一起表演。“举行吉他音乐节其实是从我的一个梦里得到灵感,聚集一批天才音乐家在舞台上表演,”他解释,“吉他音乐节上的音乐家都是我欣赏并敬佩的。”
Disc 1:
01.Introduction (Bill Murray)
02.Uberesso (Sonny Landreth)
03.Hell at Home (Sonny Landreth with Eric Clapton)
04.Maharina (John McLaughlin)
05.Rosie (Doyle Bramhall II)
06.Outside Woman Blues (Doyle Bramhall II)
07.Little by Little (Susan Tedeschi with The Derek Trucks Band)
08.Anyday (The Derek Trucks Band)
09.Highway 61 Revisited (Johnny Winter with The Derek Trucks Band)
10.Nobodysoul (Robert Randolph & The Family Band)
11.Poor Johnny (The Robert Cray Band)
12.Dirty Work at the Crossroads (Jimmie Vaughan with The Robert Cray Band)
13.Sitting on Top of the World (Hubert Sumlin with The Robert Cray Band & Jimmie Vaughan)
14.Paying the Cost to Be the Boss (B.B. King with The Robert Cray Band with Jimmie Vaughan & Hubert Sumlin)
15.Rock Me Baby (B.B. King with The Robert Cray Band with Jimmie Vaughan & Hubert Sumlin)
16.Sweet Thing (Vince Gill)
17.Country Boy (Albert Lee with Vince Gill)
18.If It Makes You Happy (Sheryl Crow with Vince Gill & Albert Lee)
19.Tulsa Time (Sheryl Crow with Eric Clapton, Vince Gill & Albert Lee)
20.Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain (Willie Nelson with Vince Gill & Albert Lee)
21.On the Road Again (Willie Nelson with Sheryl Crow, Vince Gill & Albert Lee)
Disc 2:
01.Belief (John Mayer)
02.Gravity (John Mayer)
03.Don’t Worry Baby (Los Lobos)
04.Mas y Mas (Los Lobos)
05.Cause We’ve Ended as Lovers (Jeff Beck)
06.Big Block (Jeff Beck)
07.Tell the Truth (Eric Clapton feat. Derek Trucks)
08.Little Queen of Spades (Eric Clapton feat. Derek Trucks)
09.Isn't It a Pity (Eric Clapton)
10.Who Do You Love? (Robbie Robertson with Eric Clapton)
11.Presence of the Lord (Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton)
12.Can't Find My Way Home (Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton)
13.Had to Cry Today (Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton)
14.Dear Mr. Fantasy (Steve Winwood)
15.Crossroads (Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood)
16.Mary Had a Little Lamb (Buddy Guy)
17.Damn Right I’ve Got the Blues (Buddy Guy)
18.Sweet Home Chicago (Buddy Guy with Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, John Mayer, Hubert Sumlin, Jimmie Vaughan & Johnny Winter)