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Microsoft TechNet Utilities Client Utilities (2002.08)

名称Microsoft TechNet Utilities Client Utilities - August 2002 (Volume 10, Issue 8)
容量521,736,192 字节 (497.5 MB)
Dbdev\FoxPro\Dmt402			Multi-User Programming Techniques sample files
Dbdev\VB\Ape\Client Application Performance Explorer Remote Client
Dbdev\VB\Ape\Man Application Performance Explorer Manager
Dbdev\VB\Ape\Serv Application Performance Explorer Server
Dbdev\VB\Ape\Source Application Performance Explorer Source Files
Dbdev\VB\Sample Code samples for mainframe database migration
Dbdev\VB\Vbforweb Sample Applications: Using MS Visual Basic to Develop Web Applications
Dbdev\VC\Technote Visual C++ Technology Preview and Internet Explorer 4.0 Demo Files
Dbdev\VC\Tools Source Files for OLE DB Provider Templates Whitepaper
Dbdev\Vintdev\Cleanreg Visual InterDev Registry Cleanup Tool
Dbdev\VSS\Tools Visual SourceSafe History Report Utility (vssrep.exe)
Dbdev\VSS\Tools Office 97 Visual SourceSafe Commands Utility (vssoff97.exe)
Dbdev\Vstudio Updated Visual Studio Control Files for SP2 and SP3 (for Alpha-based computers only)
Desk\Frontpg MS FrontPage 98 Help File
Desk\Frontpg\Tools\fp2kserk FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Resource Kit
Desk\Office\16_32 Win-32 API document file
Desk\Office\Access\Error97 Access 97 Error Search Tool
Desk\Office\Access\Reports Access Reports Sample Database
Desk\Office\Access\Technote\Ofc426 Access sample files
Desk\Office\Access\Tools Virus Information for Access 97
Desk\Office\Deploy MS Office 2000 Deployment Template
Desk\Office\Excel\Call Excel 97 CALL Function Patch
Desk\Office\Excel\Tools Excel 97 for Windows Auto-Recalculation Patch
Desk\Office\Excel\We1280 Excel Virus Search 1.2 Add-In Tool
Desk\Office\Excel\Xllookup Excel Lookup Wizard
Desk\Office\ExcelXP [NEW] Microsoft Excel 2002 Update: June 19, 2002
Desk\Office\Forms Forms 2.0 Control Security Patch
Desk\Office\Opg Office 2000 Visual Basic Programmer's Guide Tools and Utilities
Desk\Office\Outlook\OVBtools Enhancing Outlook 98 with Visual Basic 5
Desk\Office\Outlook\Technote Outlook customizable installation files (outinst.exe)
Desk\Office\Outlook\Technote Outlook sample files for profile creation (profile.exe)
Desk\Office\Reskit\Ork97 MS Office 97 Resource Kit Tools and Utilities
Desk\Office\Tools\60minkit MS Office 2000 60 Minute Intranet Kit
Desk\Office\Tools\Confirm MS Office Document Open Confirmation Tool
Desk\Office\Tools\Photodrw MS Photodraw 2000 Idea Book
Desk\Office\Tools\Roitool Windows 32-bit Financial Impact Analysis Tool
Desk\Office\Word\Tools\Wrd97cnv Word converter for Word 6.0 or 95
Desk\Office\WordXP [NEW] Microsoft Word 2002 Update: June 19, 2002
Desk\Outlook\Tools\Teamfold MS Outlook 2000 Team Folders Kit
Desk\Project\Proj2002\dbref [NEW] Microsoft Project 2002 Database Reference Tools
Desk\Project\Proj2002\GenRef [NEW] Microsoft Project 2002 General Reference Tools
Desk\Project\Proj2002\ServTool [NEW] Microsoft Project 2002 Server Tools
Desk\Project\Reskit Project 98 Resource kit tools
Desk\Project\SMS MS Project BackOffice Template Series
Desk\Project\Technote MS Project Tech-Ed Samples
Desk\Project\Tools MS Project 98 Online Users Guide
Exch2k\exchwsh [NEW] Automating Exchange 2000 Management with Windows Script Host
Internet\Iexplor\IE5\CMAK MS Internet Explorer 5.0 Resource Kit Tools and Utilities
Internet\Iexplor\IE5\HP MS Internet Explorer 5.0 for HP-UX with Outlook Express
Internet\Iexplor\IE5\ResKit MS Internet Explorer 5.0 Resource Kit Tools and Utilities(9x, NT)
Internet\Iexplor\IE5\Solaris MS Internet Explorer 5.0 for Solaris with Outlook Express
Internet\Iexplor\IEAK MS Internet Explorer 5.0 Administration Kit and for Windows 3.x, 95, 98, NT 4, and Unix
Internet\Iexplor\IEAK\IEAK55 MS Internet Explorer 5.5 Administration Kit
Internet\Iexplor\IEAK\Slfstdy Self Study Course: Deploying and Customizing MS Internet Explorer 5 Using the Internet Explorer Administration Kit
Internet\Iexplor\Iespfix Updated "Untrusted Scripted Paste" Patch
Internet\Iexplor\MAC\BIN MS Internet Explorer 5.0 with Outlook Express 5.02 Macintosh Edition
Internet\Iexplor\MAC\HQX MS Internet Explorer 5.0 with Outlook Express 5.02 Macintosh Edition
Internet\Iexplor\Spoof\DecAlpha Frame Spoof Vulnerability Patch for Windows NT 4.0 (DEC Alpha)
Internet\Iexplor\Spoof\Nt9598 Frame Spoof Vulnerability Patch for Windows 98, Windows 95 & NT 4.0 (x86)
Internet\Iexplor\Spoof\Win31NT3 Frame Spoof Vulnerability Patch for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 3.51
Internet\NetMtng\Reskit\NM3ResKit NetMeeting 3 Resource Kit Tools and Utilities
MSDA\msda1001 [NEW] Microsoft Data Analyzer 3.5 International Update
Ork2k MS Office 2000 Resource Kit Tools and Utilities
Ork2kUPD MS Office 2000 Resource Kit Tools and Utilities Update
PrintMig\PrintMig3 [NEW] Print Migrator 3.0
PS\MSDOS\Reskit MS-DOS Resource Kit Utilities
PS\Win95\Reskit Windows 95 Resource Kit Utilities
PS\Win95\Tools\Fpserv Updated Drivers for W95 File and Printer Sharing
PS\Win95\Tools\Ig INF Generator
PS\Win95\Tools\Nexus Windows NT Server Tools for Windows 95
PS\Win95\Tools\Password Enhanced Password Cache Security Update
PS\Win95\Tools\Sp Windows 95 Service Pack 1
PS\Win95\Training Windows 95 Training Materials
PS\Win98\Reskit Windows 98 Resource Kit Utilities
PS\Win98\Tools Windows Script Support
PS\Win98\Tools Windows 98 Second Edition 1394 Storage Supplement
PS\Win98\Tools Microsoft Libraries Update
PS\Win98\Tools Patch Available for Taskpads Scripting Vulnerability
PS\Win98\Tools OLE Automation Fix
PS\WinCE\HPCExp11 Handheld PC Explorer v1.1
PS\WinCE\Tools ActiveSync 3.0 Makes Synchronization Faster and Easier
PS\WinCE\Tools Terminal Server Download
PS\WinCE\Tools Windows CE 2.0 PowerToys
PS\WinXP\HibStdby [NEW] Microsoft Windows XP Hibernate-Standby Patch
VPN\msl2tp [NEW] Microsoft L2TP/IPSec VPN Client
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