Microsoft MapPoint .NET Basic Services SDK
March 1, 2002
This document contains:
I. Installation Instructions
II. Uninstall Instructions (important if you have a previous build installed)
I. Installation Instructions
* You must have Microsoft Visual Studio .NET or the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK installed on your machine in order to view the SDK.
* You must uninstall any previous build of the SDK before installing the new version.
1.Close Visual Studio .NET or the .NET Framework SDK.
2.Double-click Setup.exe.
3.Visual Studio .NET installed:
1. Open Visual Studio .NET.
2. On the Help menu, click Contents.
3. Make sure the Filtered by box has "(no filter)" selected.
The .NET Framework SDK installed:
1. On the Start menu, click Run.
2. Type: dexplore /helpcol ms-help://MS.MapPointSDK
3. Click OK.
4. On the Help menu, click Contents.
4.Open the MapPoint .NET Basic Services SDK book.