3DClinic is a software program for doctors. It is a post diagnostic communication tool, using 3D graphics. It helps doctors provide patients with a clear understanding of their medical condition. 3DClinic is designed by doctors. It's fast and makes good business sense.
The software contains 3D anatomical images of the human body including over 500 images, 100 healthy and 40 disorder movies and interactive models.
3DClinic will help doctors improve the quality of patient healthcare and will help patients comply with doctors' recommendations.
3DClinic has an easy to use interface, with point and click navigation. When you have images on the screen, you can draw or type on screen to further assist the communication process with patients. This screen includes the doctor name, patient name and date of consultation and can be saved, printed or emailed to patients ... the perfect record of your consultation.
3DClinic is for 12 months, delete the file "C:\BodyOnline\3DClinic\Prefs\JPTok.txt" that 3DClinic will never expires.