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富尔特图片素材辞典不完全收藏 (49.5G)

名称富尔特图片素材辞典不完全收藏 (001-100)(18.2G)
容量19,559,868,416 字节 (18.21 GB)
名称富尔特图片素材辞典不完全收藏 (101-200)(18.2G)
容量19,566,682,112 字节 (18.22 GB)
名称富尔特图片素材辞典不完全收藏 (201-235)(13.1G)
容量14,092,197,888 字节 (13.12 GB)

Sozaijiten 制作的图象素材辞典,Datacraft 系列,图像规格为 2950×2094 像素,JPG 格式。部分内容为 640×480 像素(目录名中已标记为小图的内容),缺失以下卷集:203,212,214,215,216,221,224,229,230,231,232,233,234 卷集。素材提取自光盘内,删除了无用文件,只保留最大尺寸图片,因为网盘最大可上传20G的文件,因此分成三部分,重新整理打包。

总计收录 226 个目录 45000 个图片。图片素材内容请勿用于商业用途,可能会引起版权纠纷



001.石材篇.Textures & Stones
002.纸、布、木纹篇.Papers, Fabrics & Woods
003.金属篇.Metals & Rusts
004.火焰、火花、水篇.Flames Spark Water
005.天空、云篇.Skies & Clouds
006.四季、自然篇.Four Seasons & Nature
007.彩光篇.Light & Crystal
008.壁材、土纹篇.Walls & Soils
009.彩画篇.Paints & Pastels
013.树叶、叶脉篇.Leaves & Leaf Veins
014.蔬菜、水果篇.Vegetables & Fruits
015.食材篇.Spice Ingredients
016-树皮、年轮篇-Barks & Annual Rings(小图)
017-北海道冬景篇-Winters & Hokkaido(小图)
019.皮革、毛皮篇.Leathers & Furs
020.百花篇.Wild Flowers & Blossoms
021.宇宙和星球篇.Space & Planets
022.餐饮、料理食物篇.Foods & Dishes
023.日式纸纹篇.Mino Paper & Japanese Paper
025.框架篇.Picture Frames
026.森林和树木篇.Forest & Grove
027.机械、齿轮篇.Machines & Gears
028.海底世界篇.Diving & Marine
029.办公生活、用品篇.Business & Living Goods
030.男性特写篇.Person - Male
031.女性特写篇.Person - Female
032.眼、唇、身体篇.Eyes, Lips & Nudes
033.资讯电子篇.Computers & Technology
034.花艺篇.Flower Arrangements
035-海洋生物篇-Corals and Marine Creatures(小图)
036.日式传统布纹篇.Fabric Traditional Japanese Patterns
037-富士山、樱花篇-Mt.Fuji & Cherry Blossoms(小图)
038.婴幼儿特写篇.People - Babies
039.儿童特写篇.People - Children
040.海、岛屿篇.Seas & South Islands
041.夏日风情写真篇.Summer Lifestyles & Nature
042.室内装潢篇.Interior Design & Living Space
043.老人福祉篇.Senior Citizens & Social Welfare
044.环保问题篇.Environmental Problems
046.地球特写篇.The Earth as Viewed from the Universe
047.冬季运动、休闲篇.Winter Sprts & Resorts
048.圣诞、贺年篇.Christmas & New Year's
049-鲜鱼篇-Fresh Fish(小图)
050-猫狗篇-Dogs & Cats(小图)
051.日式染印布纹篇.Dyeing-Yzen Dyeing
052.日式织布格纹篇.Fabric - Stripes, Plaid & Slashed Patterns
053.木纹篇.Woodgrain, Interlocked Wood & Hurdles
054.自然剪影篇.Fascinating Nature
055.研究实验篇.Experiment & Research Images
056.园艺篇.Gardening & Horticulture Accessories
057.金融货币篇.Finance & Currencies
058-细胞结晶篇-Microworld Cells and Crystalsr(小图)
059.天空大地篇.Land & Sky
060.花的彩绘篇.Colorful Flowers
061-厨房料理篇-Cooking Scenes - Kitchens(小图)
062.小动物篇.Impressive Small Animals
063.清溪自然篇.Clean Streams - Mountains & Nature
064.丰收篇.Hravesting - Blessings of the Earth
065.日式建筑传统篇.Kyoto - Japanese Elegance
066.西式布纹篇.Western Patterns - Textiles
067.水上活动风情篇.Hawaii & Guam
068.日本季节风格篇.Japanese Seasonal Events
069.婚礼篇.Wedding Ceremonies & People
070.星空宇宙篇.A Starry Sky & the Universe
071.运动跃动篇.Sports - Exciting Action
072.海洋动物-海豚、鲸鱼和企鹅篇.Dolphins, whales & penguins - Marine animals
073.中日料理美食篇.Cooking - Japanese, Western & Chinese
074.新世纪科技篇.Images for the 21st Century
075.纽约篇.New York
076.茂盛树木篇.Trees - Full of Life
077-山丘美景篇-Landscapes of Flowers & Hills(小图)
078.花的风采篇.Floral Shapes
079.女性运动美容篇.Women - Fitness & the Body
080.女性表情特写篇.Women - Beauty & Relaxation
081.背景空间篇.Background & Space Images
082.四季自然篇.Seasonal Colors & Small Natural Scenes
083.道路美景篇.Landscapes Featuring Roads
084.办公人物篇.Business & Office Scenes
085-世界山脉篇-Mountains & Mountain Ranges in the World(小图)
086.花絮生活篇.Lifestyles Adorned with Flowers
087.网络资讯篇.Information Network
088.门窗篇.Doors & Windows
089.手工创作-快乐家庭篇.Handicraft Family - Cheerful Families
090.手工创作-温馨家庭篇.Handicraft Family - Heartwarming Families
091.背景-花、植物篇.Background - Flowers & Plants
092.水果、果实篇.Abundant Harvest of Fruit
093-蔬菜特写篇-Vegetables in Season(小图)
094.四季美景篇.Four Seasons - Relaxing Landscapes
095.餐桌风情篇.Pleasant Dining Table
096-鸟语四季篇-Four Seasons of Birds(小图)
097.商务人物篇.Businessmen & Businesswomen
098-非洲野生动物篇-Wild Animals in Africa(小图)
099-东南亚特写-泰国、柬埔寨、越南篇-Southeast Asia - Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam(小图)
100-天空云彩篇-Skies and Iridescent Clouds(小图)
101.纸的风情篇.Images of Paper & Books
102.闪电熔岩彩虹篇.Lighting, Eruptions & Rainbows
103.法国、意大利、西班牙篇.France, Italy & Spain
104.乐器演奏篇.Musical Instruments & Performance
105.室内设计-简单风格篇.Interior - Simple Style
106.花草边框篇.Leaf & Flower Frames
107.交通工具-运输速度篇.Vehicles - Trasport & Speed
108.运动用品篇.Sporting Goods
109-蔬果剖面篇-Fresh Fruits and Vegetables(小图)
110-祝福花饰篇-Celebratory Flowers(小图)
111.海岛风情篇.The Sea & Holidays in Southern Countries
112.商业都市-东京横滨篇.Tokyo & Yokohama - Business Cities
113.背景-信息技术篇.Background - Information Technology Images
114.四季料理篇.Food & Seasonal Cooking
115.办公剪影.Business - Office District People
116.美酒甜品篇.Wine & Food - Table of Hospitality
117.全球通讯篇.Global Communication
118.自然布纹篇.Warm Fabrics - Natural & Casual
119.水的印象篇.Images of Water
120.都会商业人物篇.Businessmen - Urban Areas
121-百花美景篇-Blooming Scenery(小图)
122.四季-日本风情篇.Four Seasons - Japanese Landscapes
123.室内设计-女生生活篇.Interior - Women's Lifestyles
124-可爱猫狗篇-Puppies and Kittens(小图)
125.花的印象篇.Images of Flowers
126.信息技术商业-办公篇.IT Business - Office Work
127.新叶绿意篇.Fresh Greenery & New Leaves
128.礼物装饰篇.Heartful Gift
129-晴空风景篇-Landscapes Under the Great Blue Sky(小图)
130.新鲜肉蛋篇.Fresh Food - Meat & Eggs
131-新鲜鱼获篇-Seasonal Fish and Shellfish(小图)
132.意大利面、披萨、沙拉篇.Pasta, Pizza & Salad
133.日式风情篇.Japanese Style - Kyoto Flavor
134-阳光森林篇-Forests & Light Falling through Trees(小图)
135-新鲜蔬菜篇-Vegetables - Blessings of the Sun(小图)
136.年老-宽裕时间篇.Senior Citizens - Leisure Time
137.年老-休闲篇.Senior Citizens - Refreshing Holidays
138.CG-光与速度篇.CG Backgrounds - Light & Speed
139-水、瀑布、涌泉篇-Water, Clear Streams And Springwater(小图)
140.夏威夷篇.Hawaii - Aloha Feeling
141.女性-居家篇.Women - Private Time
142.女性-清新笑容篇.Women - Freshness & Smiles
143.女性-厨房篇.Lifestyle of Women - Refreshing Kitchen Scenes
144-寿司和生鱼片篇-Sushi and Sashimi Images of Japanese Food(小图)
145.女性-宠物篇.Women's Lifestyles - Life with Dogs
146-四季花木篇-Four Seasons & Flowing Plants of Japan(小图)
147.CG背景-可爱流行篇.CG Background - Pop & Sweetness
148.绿叶篇.Foliage & Green Leaves
149.现代商业篇.Business Today
150.CG背景-人类工业篇.CG Backgrounds - Human Technologies
151.活力女性篇.Cheerful Women
152.女性-户外休闲篇.Women - Holiday in the Meadow
153-和风传统礼俗篇-Traditional Japanese Hospitality(小图)
154-冲绳海洋风情篇-Okinawa Beautiful Seas(小图)
155.生活空间篇.Living Space & Small Interior Items
156.女生-工作篇.Working Women
157-四季田园篇-Four Seasons in The Country(小图)
158-女性-早晨生活篇-Women In the Morning Lifestyles(小图)
159-宝贝狗狗篇-Dogs Lovely Dogs(小图)
160.纪念日圣诞节篇.Anniversaries & Christmas
161.小家庭生活篇.New Life - Couples & Kids
162.快乐家庭篇.Families - Smiles & Living
163-蛋糕甜品篇-Sweets and Confectioneries(小图)
164.水-清纯篇.Water - Clear & Pure
165-运动竞赛篇-Sports Speed and Power(小图)
166-女性-健康生活篇-Women Living Healthy(小图)
167-夏日日本篇-Cool Summer in Japan(小图)
168-市内商业区篇-Business Districts Urban Space(小图)
169-蓝天白云篇-The Sky and Clouds Distant Blue(小图)
170.室内植物篇.Interior - Flowers & Other Items
171.暴热多彩的夏天篇.Summer - Popping & Colorful
172.未来商业走在前沿篇.Business - Future Leaders
173-高中生活篇-School Life Junior(小图)
174.微笑的商务生活篇.Business - Office Life Filled with Smiles
175-校园友情篇-Teen Life Friends and Smiles(小图)
176.朋友和爱人篇.Friends & Couples - Cafe
177-瑞士、德国、英国篇-UK.Germany and Switzerland(小图)
178.水、空气、草木篇.Eco Images - Greenery, Water & Air
179-闪光、浪漫背景篇-Background Sparkling and Romantic(小图)
180-时尚居家生活篇-Modern Lifestyle.Interiors(小图)
181-蓝天与花篇-Flowers and the blue sky - Flowers of joy(小图)
182.海滩女孩篇.Beaches & Girls
183.海滩女人篇.Women - Refreshing & Resorts
184.室内盆景装饰篇.Interior - Greenery & Herbs
185.婚礼素材篇.Sweet Weddings
186-四季鲜花篇-CG backgrounds - Seasons & Flowers(小图)
187.女士轻松沐浴时间篇.Women - Relaxing & Bath Time
188.儿童-家庭微笑篇.Kids - Family Members With Smiles
189.家庭餐桌篇.Family - Joyful Table
190.微笑礼物主题篇.Gifts With Smiles
191.北京、上海、香港篇.Beijing, Shanghai & Hong Kong
192.商业新进职员篇.Business - Fresh New Workers
193.校园生活篇.Campus Life - Friends & Their Smiles
194.草原主题篇.Grasslands - Images of the Sky & Wind
195.愉快的野餐主题.Pleasant Picnics - Family & Friends
196.城镇风光篇.My Town - Towns Where Families Live
197.人与自然篇.Images of People & Nature
198.快乐少女-笑顔假日篇.Happy Girls - Holidays Filled with Smiles
199.北海道-自然与观光篇.Hokkaido - Nature & Tourism
200.室内装饰-芳香与天然篇.Interior - Sweet & Natural
201.城郊家庭主题.Family - Fresh Three Generations
202.机灵可爱的女孩篇.Lovely & Cute Girls
204.青年人驾车度假篇.Driving - Holidays for the Young
205.新年和庆典篇.New Year's & Celebratory Events
206.环境与未来篇.Eco Images - Environment & The Future
207.商业演讲篇.Business - Conference & Presentation
208.办公室的同事篇.Office Work - Colleagues & Smiles
209.小学生快乐教室篇.Elementary School Students - Pleasant Classroom Atmospheres
210.工作中的年轻人篇.Work - Young Working People
211.新鲜水果与甜品篇.Fruits & Fresh Desserts
213.健康-卫生保健篇.Health - Healthcare
217.职员-积极挑战篇.Businessmen - Active & Ambitious
218.青年-动作与姿态篇.Young People - Actions & Postures
219.女孩-微笑与姿态篇.Girls - Smiles & Postures
220.花和礼物篇.Seasonal Events - Flowers & Gifts
222.女性美容与护肤化妆.Beauty - Makeup & Skin Care
223.老年生活-朋友与家庭成员.Senior Citizen Life - Friends & Family Members
225.住房与生活篇.Housing & Living - My Own Home
226.绿色信息篇.Green Messages
227.女生画像骗.Girls' Portraits
228.家庭纪念日篇.Family Anniversaries
235.拼贴图-快乐环保形象篇.Collages - Happy & Eco Images
新婚庆典特别篇.Bridal Celebration
新年卡和圣诞篇.New Years Card & Christmas
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