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Microsoft TechNet Supplemental Drivers and Patches (2002.08)

名称Microsoft TechNet - Supplemental Drivers and Patches - August 2002 (Volume 10, Issue 8)
容量680,488,960 字节 (648.9 MB)
softlib 目录包含以下内容

07/31/2000 mlangreg.exe MOD2000: Mlang.dll is Unregistered When Access 2000 Run-Time Is Removed
07/28/2000 qbf2k.exe Create Filter-by-Form form database
07/13/2000 pubdev2k.exe PUB2000 SR-1: Color Images Are Printed to Color Printer in Black and White or Grayscale
04/27/2000 jet40sp4.exe Jet 4.0 Service Pack 4
03/15/2000 odesamp.exe OFF97: ActiveX Control Samples for Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition (ODE)
03/15/2000 opnmlitn.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Italian)
03/15/2000 opnmltch.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Traditional Chinese)
03/15/2000 opnmlswe.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Swedish)
03/15/2000 opnmlspa.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Spanish)
03/15/2000 opnmlptb.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Portuguese [Brazil])
03/15/2000 opnmlnor.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Norwegian)
03/15/2000 opnmlkor.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Korean)
03/15/2000 opnmljpn.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Japanese)
03/15/2000 opnmlheb.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Hebrew)
03/15/2000 opnmlger.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (German)
03/15/2000 opnmlfrn.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (French)
03/15/2000 opnmleng.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (English)
03/15/2000 opnmldan.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Danish)
03/15/2000 opnmlchs.exe Single Digit Year Fix for Workgroup Messages (Simplified Chinese)
03/15/2000 control.exe Visual Basic for Applications Content Positioner for Microsoft Excel 97
03/15/2000 xyscatter.exe XY (Scatter) Chart Labeler
03/15/2000 clean97.exe Visual Basic for Applications Code Cleaner for Microsoft Excel 97
03/15/2000 datewtch.hqx Date Watch Wizard for Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
03/15/2000 datescan.hqx Date Migration Wizard for Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
03/15/2000 xsclean.exe Excess Formatting Cleaner Add-In
03/09/2000 eraser2k.exe Office 2000 File and Registry Eraser Utility
03/03/2000 aspwebwiz2k.zip ASP Web Wizard in ZIP format
03/03/2000 aspwebwiz2k.exe ASP Web Wizard
02/15/2000 st2kup.exe Streets & Trips 2000: Unable to Update Construction Information
02/15/2000 eraser97.exe Version 2.0 of Office 97 File and Registry Eraser Utility for Microsoft(R) Office 97
02/07/2000 erasecd2.exe Office 2000 CD2 File and Registry Eraser Utility
02/02/2000 ardsa.exe MCSD Training Kit Replacement Help File
01/17/2000 viz2613.exe VIZACT: "Installer Error 2613" When You Install Vizact 2000
12/22/1999 pssvc.exe OL2000: Utility to Fix vCard Export
12/17/1999 acc2date.exe Access 2.0 Two-Digit Date Update
12/02/1999 age2cpfix.exe You are Victorious! Message Update for AOE II
11/22/1999 cloneme.exe Microsoft PowerPoint Cloning Add-in
11/22/1999 samscrpt.exe SAMPLE: SamScrpt.exe Demos Active Debugging in C++ ActiveX Script Engine
11/17/1999 ppt2kkb.exe Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 Knowledge Base
11/17/1999 ppt97kb.exe Microsoft PowerPoint 97 Knowledge Base
11/17/1999 pub2kkb.exe Microsoft Publisher 2000 Knowledge Base
11/17/1999 pub98kb.exe Publisher 98 Knowledge Base Help File
11/17/1999 secfaq.exe ACC: Microsoft Access Security FAQ
11/15/1999 wp2krtf.exe Converter for Import/Export of Works WP Documents
11/12/1999 msicu.exe Windows Installer CleanUp Utility for Windows 95/98
11/12/1999 msicuu.exe Windows Installer CleanUp Utility for Windows NT
10/11/1999 atl2ado.exe SAMPLE: ATL2ADO.EXE Returns Disconnected ADO Recordset
10/06/1999 jet35sp3.exe Microsoft Jet 3.51 Service Pack 3
10/05/1999 rasenumentries.exe SAMPLE: RasEnumEntries.exe shows how to call the RasEnumEntries API in Visual Basic
10/01/1999 dsofile.exe FILE: DSOFILE.EXE Lets You Read Document Properties w/o Office Installed
09/30/1999 atl4acc.exe Calling SQL 7 Parameterized Stored Procedures Using ATL OLE DB Consumer Accessors
09/29/1999 stablupd.exe SAMPLE:Stablupd.exe Manipulate String Resources in an Executable
09/27/1999 ideinf.exe SAMPLE Ideinf.exe: Architecture of the .inf File for Windows 9x Dual IDE Controllers
09/27/1999 vcache.exe FILE: VCache.exe - How to Use VCACHE Services
09/27/1999 mbtfaq.exe FILE: MBtFAQ.exe - Windows 95 or Windows 98 Master Boot Record
09/27/1999 miniport.exe FILE: MiniPort.exe - Writing SCSI Miniport Drivers for Win95/98
09/27/1999 hotswap.exe FILE: HotSwap.exe - Hot Swapping IDE or ATAPI CDROM Devices
09/27/1999 dskdrive.exe FILE: DskDrive.exe - Removing/Adding Disk Drives Under Win95/98
09/27/1999 utils.exe FILE: Utils.exe Contains a Description of Win95 DDK Utilities
09/27/1999 storage.exe FILE: Storage.exe Contains Storage Device/Adapter Drivers Refs
09/27/1999 kernel.exe FILE: Kernel.exe Describes the Kernel and VxD for Win95
09/27/1999 comm.exe FILE: Comm.exe Updates Virtual Communications Device Driver Doc
09/27/1999 iosfaq.exe FILE: IOSFAQ.exe - IOS Port Driver Frequently Asked Questions
09/24/1999 o2kwcomp.exe Contains replacement files for "Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components"
09/24/1999 nickname.exe Outlook Utility to Remove Corrupted Names in Nickname List Description
09/22/1999 age2lnks.exe Age Of Empires II: Command Line Parameters
09/21/1999 upsize00.exe Access 2000 Upsizing Tools White Paper
09/21/1999 atlasync.exe SAMPLE: ATLAsync.exe: Using MSMQEvent Events with ATL 3.0 For Asynchronous Message Notification
09/15/1999 numericfix.exe PRB: Numeric Value Out of Range Error Calling GetFieldValue
09/15/1999 dm2.exe Year 2000 Wizards for Microsoft Excel 97 and 2000
09/13/1999 fastread.exe SAMPLE: Fastread Demonstrates the Use of the OLE DB Provider for Jet IIdle Interface
09/13/1999 setuplr.exe Setup LogReader for Office 2000
09/09/1999 vfpscut.exe SAMPLE: VFPSCUT.EXE Creates Desktop Shortcut to a VFP Application
09/09/1999 asupdate.exe AutoSave Add-in Upgrade
09/08/1999 async.exe SAMPLE: Async Notification from Kernel Mode
09/08/1999 ro2kindx.exe Running MS Office 2000 Indexes
09/08/1999 datefix.hqx Date Fix Wizard for Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
09/01/1999 ipatchfp.exe PATCH: Patch_26.exe Fixes Divide by Zero Error on Fast Computers
09/01/1999 ntpacket.exe Updated Windows NT 4.0 NDIS 3.0 Packet Sample Available
08/30/1999 err2343.exe Microsoft Office 2000 Internal Error 2343 Repair Utility
08/30/1999 wceload.exe PATCH: WCELoad.exe Fixes ActiveX Control Hanging Problem on Palm-size PC
08/25/1999 gentags.exe FILE: Use CDX(),TAG(), and SYS(14) Function to Create an Index Utility
08/25/1999 richedfx.exe PRB: Out of Memory Error Message Using the Rich Textbox Control
08/24/1999 mdtupdtr.exe ODE: Setup Wizard Template Files Updater
08/23/1999 rorlinks.exe Age Of Empires: Command Line Parameters
08/23/1999 agelinks.exe Age Of Empires: Command Line Parameters
08/18/1999 cleanoc.exe SAMPLE: Programmatically Remove Controls from Downloaded Program Files Folder
08/18/1999 pp2kmus.exe PowerPoint 2000 Custom Soundtrack Add-in
08/13/1999 rasbaud.exe SAMPLE: RasBaud.exe Obtains the Baud Rate of an Existing RAS Connection Programmatically
08/13/1999 wdvfpdsn.exe Patch correct "Cannot Find Installable ISAM" error during mail merge with FoxPro or DBase
08/13/1999 idk99.exe XCLN: Updated Version of the IExpress Deployment Kit Available
08/12/1999 mtssetup.exe FILE: Mtssetup Fixes Transaction Server Core Components Setup Error on Windows 95 and Windows 98
08/09/1999 fpcomponent.exe FrontPage 2000 Features That Require Server Extensions
07/30/1999 recover.exe Excel File Recovery Macro
07/26/1999 dirlv.exe SAMPLE: DirLV Sample Populates a ListView Control Similar to Explorer
07/23/1999 opropsheet.exe SAMPLE: Opropsheet.exe Create a Modeless OLE Property Sheet Using MFC
07/23/1999 actvdesk.exe SAMPLE: Actvdesk Demonstrates Usage of IActiveDesktop Interface
07/20/1999 cancel.exe SAMPLE: Cancel.exe Self Queued Cancel and Cleanup Routines
07/16/1999 gc.exe SAMPLE: Clean Up Java Resources Automatically with Gc.exe
07/13/1999 secmgr97.exe Microsoft Access 97 Security Manager Add-In
07/13/1999 smgr2000.exe Microsoft Access 2000 Security Manager Add-In
07/13/1999 conv2000.exe Microsoft Access 2000 Conversion White Paper
07/12/1999 defaultdu.exe SAMPLE: Use DefaultDU.exe to Install Java Classes into the Default Package
07/09/1999 mfcdao36libs.exe PRB: Unrecognized Database Format Error w/ Access 2000 Database Visual C++ 6.x
07/09/1999 vb6sys.exe FIX: Setup Program Created by PDW Disables Windows 95/98 System
07/07/1999 sql70iostress.exe Utility to Stress Disk Subsystem
07/07/1999 wrd97cnv.exe Microsoft Word 97-2000 Import Converter
07/02/1999 adoguidz.exe SAMPLE: AdoGUIDz.exe How to Use GUIDs w/ Access,SQL 6.5 & SQL 7
07/01/1999 snpvw90.exe Microsoft Snapshot Viewer Available on MSL
06/29/1999 pageset.exe Sample: PageSet.exe Programmatically Changes Default Printer Orientation
06/28/1999 tmos104.exe Tex Murphy: Overseer Version 1.04 Update
06/24/1999 sndfix.exe Links & Access MS-DOS Games Patch for Sound Problems
06/21/1999 msde_ins.exe SAMPLE: Setup1.exe Fully Automating MSDE Setup with PDW
06/21/1999 solver.exe Solver Add-In
06/21/1999 mnysc7b.exe Money 99 Update
06/18/1999 vbmcsd1.exe Desktop Apps for VB MCSD TK Patch
06/18/1999 vssjpn.exe PRB: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 SP3 Netsetup Installation Problem
06/18/1999 vssita.exe PRB: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 SP3 Netsetup Installation Problem
06/18/1999 vssfra.exe PRB: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 SP3 Netsetup Installation Problem
06/18/1999 vssesp.exe PRB: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 SP3 Netsetup Installation Problem
06/18/1999 vssenu.exe PRB: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 SP3 Netsetup Installation Problem
06/18/1999 vssdeu.exe PRB: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 SP3 Netsetup Installation Problem
06/17/1999 vbrun60sp3.exe FILE: VBRun60sp3.exe Installs Visual Basic 6.0 Run-Time Files
06/16/1999 upd135.exe Links LS 98 Version 1.35 Update
06/16/1999 ppview97.exe PowerPoint Viewer 97
06/16/1999 msjtwng.exe Updated Jet DLLs
06/15/1999 update.exe Updating and Deleting Records with FrontPage WhitePaper
06/15/1999 updndate.exe SAMPLE: UpDnDate.exe Implements a DateTime Control with a Spin Button and Callback Fields
06/15/1999 loadpic.exe SAMPLE: How To Load and Display Graphics Files with LOADPIC.EXE
06/15/1999 smartgc.exe SAMPLE: SmartGC Uses an ATL Server to Trigger Java Garbage Collection
06/15/1999 templupd.exe PATCH: Template.exe Missing from Platform SDK
06/10/1999 frmvwr.exe SAMPLE: FrmVwr.exe Extended MAPI Form Viewer
06/09/1999 marshal.exe How To Marshal Interfaces Across Apartments
06/08/1999 mfceqado.exe SAMPLE: Mfceqado.exe Shows How to Use English Query with MFC and ADO
06/04/1999 216641up.exe Update for Problem After 49.7 Days of Continuous Operation
06/04/1999 vtdapi95.exe Updated Vtdapi.vxd File
06/03/1999 upd121.exe Links LS 99 Version 1.21 Update
06/03/1999 reldes00.exe Relational Database Design - Access 2000
06/02/1999 oledborc.exe Using the OLE DB Cursor Engine Service to Provide Updatability for OLE DB Providers
06/02/1999 bb2kgrfx.exe Baseball 2000 Err Msg: Invalid Page Fault in Module Graphics.dll
05/28/1999 o98dtfix.exe Date Fix for Microsoft Outlook 98
05/27/1999 adodatagrid.exe SAMPLE: AdoDataGrid.exe Demonstrates How to Use ADO with DataGrid Control Using Visual C++
05/21/1999 adovc1.exe Sample: ADOVC1 Simple ADO/VC++ Application
05/20/1999 wfcadoevent.exe SAMPLE: WFCADOevent.exe Demonstrates ADO Events with Visual J++
05/17/1999 vcspnp.exe SAMPLE: Vcspnp.exe Demonstrates Passing SQL NULL Parameters and Reading NULL Values with ADO
05/13/1999 comaddin.exe SAMPLE: Comaddin.exe Office 2000 COM Add-In Written in Visual C++
05/13/1999 o97dtfix.exe Microsoft Outlook 97 Date Fix
05/11/1999 y2kpp804.hqx Y2KPP804.hqx: PowerPoint 8-4 Translator for Macintosh, version 8.04
05/07/1999 p26readme.exe PATCH: FoxPro 2.6a Patch Files for FoxPro 2.6
05/06/1999 jetvc.exe PATCH: JetVC.exe VC++ Support Files for the Jet OLE DB Provider 4.0
05/05/1999 hook.exe SAMPLE: Hook.exe MAPI Spooler Hook Provider Sample (C++)
05/05/1999 zone_dat.exe MSN Gaming Zone Master.da_ Reset Tool
05/04/1999 mac111.hqx Links LS 1.1.1 Updater for Links LS Macintosh
05/04/1999 metainfo.exe ASP Script to Retrieve Information from an IIS 4.0 Metabase
04/29/1999 olfrmhlp.exe OL97: Microsoft Outlook Forms Help
04/29/1999 vbs32k.exe Microsoft Outlook Visual Basic Script Editor Update
04/29/1999 vbaoutl.exe Visual Basic Help File for Microsoft Outlook
04/29/1999 olbasics.exe Outlook Basics
04/28/1999 sp75y2k.exe Microsoft Schedule + Y2K Update File
04/28/1999 auto97.exe Microsoft(R) Office 97 Automation Help File
04/27/1999 rtfview.exe SAMPLE: RTFView.exe Rich Text Format Stream Viewer
04/23/1999 netwksta.exe Programmatically Log Off Domain from Win95 and Win98
04/23/1999 event.exe SAMPLE: Sharing and Signaling an Event Object
04/22/1999 cn3725ax.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Chinese Simplified, Alpha)
04/22/1999 tw3725ax.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Chinese Taiwanese, Alpha)
04/22/1999 de3725ax.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (German, Alpha)
04/22/1999 ja3725ax.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Japanese, Alpha)
04/22/1999 ko3725ax.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Korean, Alpha)
04/22/1999 br3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Brazilian Portuguese, x86)
04/22/1999 cn3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Chinese Simplified, x86)
04/22/1999 tw3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Chinese Taiwanese, x86)
04/22/1999 fr3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (French, x86)
04/22/1999 de3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (German, x86)
04/22/1999 it3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Italian, x86)
04/22/1999 ja3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Japanese, x86)
04/22/1999 ko3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Korean, x86)
04/22/1999 no3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Norwegian, x86)
04/22/1999 es3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Spanish, x86)
04/22/1999 sv3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (Swedish, x86)
04/22/1999 mfcfont.exe Mfcfont.exe Persists MFC ActiveX Control Stock Font Property
04/22/1999 startio.exe SAMPLE: StartIO.exe Demonstrates Cancel and Cleanup Routines
04/20/1999 patch_26.exe PATCH: Patch_26.exe Fixes Divide by Zero Error on Fast Computers
04/20/1999 scriptng.exe FILE: Scriptng.EXE Provides Files to Add Active Debugging to Hosts and Engines
04/20/1999 iisperms.exe IIS Security "What If" Tool
04/20/1999 oframer.exe Sample: OFramer.exe Automates Excel and Word Inside a VB Form
04/16/1999 crankit.exe Update Patch for Low-Volume in Links and Access MS-DOS Games
04/16/1999 auto.exe Create a Links and Access Games Startup Disk
04/16/1999 amazon2.exe Amazon: Cannot Pick Up Raft After You Land Airplane in the Water
04/16/1999 gravuakm.exe Gravis UltraSound MIDI Patch for Under a Killing Moon
04/16/1999 ukm4-195.exe Under a Killing Moon Version 1.95 Update
04/16/1999 ukm4-197.exe Rational DOS Extender Version 1.97 Update for Under a Killing Moon
04/16/1999 ccpro.exe Links 386 CD Swing Simulator Interface for Country Club or PC Golf
04/16/1999 120to130.exe Links LS MS-DOS (1997 Edition) Version 1.20 to 1.30 Update
04/16/1999 110to130.exe Links LS MS-DOS (1997 Edition) Version 1.10 to 1.30 Update
04/15/1999 3725ax.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (English, Alpha)
04/14/1999 3725.exe Partial Web Page Display Fix for Internet Explorer 5 (English, x86)
04/14/1999 dispinvoker.exe Sample: DispInvoker.exe Calls Automation Methods Passing Names at Run-Time
04/12/1999 ml614.exe Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 6.14 Patch Available
04/12/1999 wzprtl80.exe Microsoft Access 97 Partial Replica Wizard
04/09/1999 wkscapat.exe Works Suite 99: Path Update for Clip Art Gallery Path in Greetings 99
04/07/1999 mcsfigs.exe MS Commerce Solutions: Some Figures Printed Incorrectly
04/05/1999 zone_pw.exe MSN Gaming Zone: Zone_pw.exe Removes Damaged User Name or Password Information
04/05/1999 gw99intr.exe Greetings 99: Animations and Text Frames Replaced by Empty Picture Frames
04/05/1999 hp99intr.exe Home Publishing 99: Animations and Text Frames Replaced by Empty Picture Frames
04/02/1999 progress.exe SAMPLE: Progress Uses IAuthenticate to Bind to Secured Web Page
04/01/1999 ioctl.exe FILE: IOCTL.exe: How to Use Various Types of IOCTL
04/01/1999 odkidk98.exe IExpress Deployment Kit
03/31/1999 mfcdvmd.exe SAMPLE: Changing the Page Orientation to Landscape Without Interacting with the Print Dialog Box in an MFC-Based Application
03/30/1999 bs_qs.bin Mac QuickShelf 98: Long Delay Defining a Word on the Desktop
03/29/1999 webband.exe SAMPLE: WebBand Hosts WebBrowser Control in an Explorer Band
03/26/1999 tlbinf32.exe FILE: Tlbinf32.exe: Help Files for Tlbinf32.dll
03/26/1999 regrgs.exe Regrgs.exe: Adds Entries to the Registry Using RGS File
03/24/1999 phnsrupd.exe MSPS: Voice Command from the Handset Is Not Recognized
03/24/1999 sharedll.exe FILE: ShareDLL.exe File Checks the Size of the SharedDLLs Registry Key
03/19/1999 showtr98.exe Enable the Money 98 Product Tour
03/19/1999 showtr99.exe Enable the Money 99 Product Tour
03/19/1999 notour98.exe Disable the Money 98 Product Tour
03/19/1999 notour99.exe Disable the Money 99 Product Tour
03/19/1999 grphsm97.exe Access 97 Graph Sample Database
03/19/1999 qrysmp97.exe Microsoft Access 97 Sample Queries
03/18/1999 pwssecup.exe File Access Vulnerability in Personal Web Server
03/17/1999 wzmapi80.exe Import and Link Exchange/Outlook Wizards
03/17/1999 pwbconv.exe PRJ98: Updated Project Converter for ABT Project Workbench 4.x
03/15/1999 xl8p5.exe CALL Function patch
03/12/1999 fdbkmrk.exe Find Bookmark Wizard
03/11/1999 smalert.exe SAMPLE: SmAlert.exe Extends PerfMons Alert Mechanism
03/10/1999 b2cse.exe B2C.exe Converts Visual Basic Automation Code to Visual C++
03/10/1999 msocudp.exe SAMPLE: MSocUdp.exe Implement UDP Using CAsyncSocket
03/10/1999 cmdlanch.exe SAMPLE: CmdLanch.exe Launches EXE from Custom Outlook Menu Item
03/04/1999 spvjado.exe SAMPLE: Spvjado Demos Using Stored Procedures from WFC/ADO/Java
03/04/1999 fixqwb.exe Money Err Msg: The File You Attempted to Import Appears to Be...
03/04/1999 cfs288.exe Money: How to Change to High Speed CheckFree Dialup Number
03/04/1999 atldbfix.exe BUG: ATL OLE DB Provider Fails When Called from SQL 7.0 Query
03/03/1999 pp7fix.exe PowerPoint 7.0 Template Replacer
03/01/1999 q220816.exe FILE: Application Wizard License Not Found
03/01/1999 r1phdmod.exe SAMPLE: R1phdmod.exe Finds Memory Leaks & Monitors Objects
03/01/1999 sqlconv.exe Converting Databases to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
03/01/1999 swsplit.exe Sample: Uses MFC to Demonstrate Switching Between Different Views in an SDI Application
02/26/1999 70mail.exe How to Use SQL Mail in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server
02/25/1999 mmsys296.exe Black Screen or "Mmsystem296" Err Msg When Playing Video Clip
02/23/1999 65remote.exe How to Remotely Install SQL Server version 6.5
02/12/1999 lmsdk.exe Programmatically Log Off Domain from Win95 and Win98
02/05/1999 smartapp.exe SAMPLE: SmartApp.exe Accesses SMART Stats in IDE Drives
01/28/1999 lmjarupd.exe Liquid Motion Accelerator File
01/28/1999 proxyftp.exe SAMPLE: Using InternetOpenUrl WinInet API
01/25/1999 wraptbar.exe Sample: WrapTBar.exe Wraps Toolbar During CFrameWnd Resizing
01/22/1999 pipewiz.exe Patch: ATL Commerce Pipeline Component Wizard Broken in VC 6
01/21/1999 sndarray.exe SAMPLE: SndArray.exe Sends/Receives Variant Arrays from/to MSMQ
01/21/1999 setlang.hqx Set Language Add-In for Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
01/20/1999 vi6edw1.exe VI 6 Enterprise Developer's Workshop Patch 1
01/19/1999 vbftp.exe FILE: VBFTP.EXE: Implementing FTP Using WinInet API from VB
01/07/1999 ctxmenu.exe SAMPLE : Displaying Context Menu Given the Path to a File
01/07/1999 suggest.exe SAMPLE: SUGGEST.EXE is Microsoft Exchange Server Custom Agent
01/07/1999 docmgrex.exe SAMPLE: DocMgrEx.exe Associating Multiple File Extensions w/ Single Doc Type
01/04/1999 sp2_55.txt Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 SP2 Readme File
01/04/1999 vbinet.exe FILE: Vbinet.exe WinInet API Declarations for Visual Basic
01/04/1999 99pbplan.exe 99pbplan.exe
01/04/1999 99fsplan.exe 99fsplan.exe
12/31/1998 odbcfix.hqx Fix for INTERSOLV ODBC Driver Licensing Error Message
12/30/1998 rdoblobs.exe SAMPLE: RDOblobs.exe RDO and BLOB/TEXT Data w/ SQL SP
12/29/1998 adoctl.exe SAMPLE: ADOCtl.Exe Demonstrates Active Documents, RDS and ADO
12/29/1998 memotool.exe FILE: Memotool.exe Saves User Defined Toolbar Positions
12/21/1998 vcombobx.exe SAMPLE:VCOMBOBX a Virtual Combo Box
12/21/1998 amdk6upd.exe Update for Windows 95 OSR2 and High-Speed AMD K6-2/350 CPU
12/16/1998 cdcache.exe CDCACHE.EXE: CDCache Utility for Internet Explorer 4.x (x86)
12/16/1998 cdcachea.exe CDCACHE.EXE: CDCache Utility for Internet Explorer 4.x (alpha)
12/16/1998 oledbpp.exe FILE: Oledbpp.exe Demonstrates IDBProperties::GetPropertyInfo()
12/15/1998 editgrid.exe SAMPLE: EditGrid.exe: Edit Cells in MSFlexGrid ActiveX Control
12/15/1998 mqjava1.exe SAMPLE: MQJava1.exe Demonstrates Using MSMQ with Java
12/15/1998 sp7y2k.exe Correction for Two-Digit Date Parsing (Schedule+ Version 7.0)
12/15/1998 sp7ay2k.exe Correction for Two-Digit Date Parsing (Schedule+ Version 7.0a)
12/10/1998 dotcrash.zip DOTCRASH.ZIP
12/09/1998 nwnp32.exe Windows 98 Update for MSNDS and Client for NetWare Networks
12/09/1998 wthelp.exe BUG: WhatsThisHelpID on Toolbar Does Not Function as Expected
12/07/1998 mdm_sel.exe Money 99 Modem Selection Update (US version only)
12/07/1998 afxpool.exe FILE: Creating a Thread Pool for MFC-Based ISAPI Extensions
12/01/1998 hpgl32.exe Filter for Importing HPGL Graphics
11/30/1998 sfmwshat.exe FILE: Sfmwshat.exe Winsock Interface to the AppleTalk Protocol
11/30/1998 printmon.exe SAMPLE: PrintMon.exe Demonstrates the Win32 Spooler API
11/30/1998 vb3run.exe FILE: VB3Run.exe Run-Time .dll for Visual Basic 3.0 Apps
11/30/1998 vb4run.exe FILE: Vb4Run.exe Run-Time .dlls for Visual Basic 4.0 Apps
11/25/1998 objsrv.exe FILE: Objsrv.exe Contains Fix for "Object Server Not.." Err
11/24/1998 ado2vj6.exe SAMPLE: ADO2VJ6 Demonstrate Using the ADO 2.0 dll Directly
11/23/1998 adsiprnt.exe SAMPLE: ADSIPrnt.exe Demonstrates ADSI Print Job Control
11/18/1998 aspsess.exe SAMPLE: ASPSess.exe Passes CDO Session to Separate ASP Page
11/13/1998 amupgrde.exe Call Manager Software Update for Recorded Messages Stored in Temp Folder
11/12/1998 fsosamp.exe SAMPLE: FSOSamp.exe Application Uses the FileSystem Object
11/10/1998 licreqst.exe SAMPLE: LICREQST.EXE Requesting a License Key from an Object
11/09/1998 webwg.exe Updated Mspjhttp.exe File for Microsoft Project 98
11/06/1998 sqlhdtst.exe SQL Server File System Stress Utility
11/05/1998 vb6sbs1.exe Visual Basic 6 Step by Step patch
11/04/1998 vbsmpftp.exe SAMPLE: Using FTP WinInet APIs in Visual Basic with SimpleFtp
11/03/1998 exitfox.exe SAMPLE: ExitFox.exe Overcomes "Cannot Quit Visual FoxPro" Error
11/03/1998 vbrun60.exe FILE: VBRUN60.EXE Installs Visual Basic 6.0 Run-Time Files
11/02/1998 adcontac.exe SAMPLE: AdContac.exe Adds Sender of Incoming Message to Contacts
11/02/1998 inreg98.exe Inside the Win98 Registry patch
10/29/1998 mfccdc.exe SAMPLE: Mfccde Demonstrates Viewport and Mapmode Use in MFC
10/28/1998 section.exe SAMPLE: Section.exe Demonstrates Sharing Memory Between Kernel
10/28/1998 atlosp.exe SAMPLE: AtlOSP.exe Visual C++ OLE DB Simple Provider Sample
10/27/1998 nt4kyofs.exe WINNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Kyocera Series
10/27/1998 merge.exe Need Help Using the Mail Merge Feature in Word 97?
10/26/1998 ado2vc6.exe SAMPLE: ADO2VJ6 Demonstrate Using the ADO 2.0 dll Directly
10/26/1998 vbusc.exe FILE: VBUSC.EXE Provides Licensing for Discontinued Controls
10/22/1998 intrinsic.exe Events Registration for Internet Explorer 3 Forms FrontPage 98
10/22/1998 phd.exe SAMPLE: Using the PHD Class to Isolate Memory Leaks
10/20/1998 clsidvw.exe FILE: OLE/Createable Objects Registry Diagnostic
10/20/1998 multimon.exe SAMPLE: MULTIMON.EXE Uses Multiple Monitors in Visual Basic
10/19/1998 atlevnt.exe SAMPLE: AtlEvnt.exe Creates ATL Sinks Using IDispEventImpl
10/19/1998 procdb.hqx Fix for "Cannot Add Chart to Shared Workbook" in Analysis ToolPak
10/19/1998 atpfix.hqx Analysis ToolPak Add-In for Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition
10/16/1998 sp4128.txt Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 Readme.txt File (128-bit)
10/14/1998 fireev.exe FIREEV.EXE Fires Events from a Second Thread
10/14/1998 ddptext.exe FILE: DDP_Text Not implemented for COleDateTime and COleCurrency
10/14/1998 urlobj.exe How To Call GoGetClassObjectFromURL() in an MFC App
10/14/1998 asyndown.exe ASYNCDOWN Demonstrates Asynchronous Data Download
10/13/1998 ofnking.exe FILE: OfnKing Demonstrates CFileDialog Customization
10/12/1998 vb6cli.exe FILE: VB6CLI.EXE Fixes License Problems with Visual Basic 6.0
10/12/1998 iefavmnu.exe SAMPLE: IEFavMnu.exe Creates an Internet Explorer 4.0 Favorite
10/12/1998 wbsampl.exe FILE: Invoke Find, View Source, Options dialogs for WebBrowser
10/08/1998 bsckit60.exe FILE: Browser Toolkits for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
10/06/1998 wfcado.exe SAMPLE: WFCADO Demonstrates Using WFC ADO with Visual J++ 6.0
10/05/1998 fp98sbs.exe FrontPage 98 SBS Lesson 3
10/03/1998 macwks14.bin Update for Converting Works for Macintosh 1.0 Files to Works for Macintosh 4.0 Files
10/03/1998 macwks3.bin Mac Works 3.0a: Revised Installation for IDE Drives
10/02/1998 sr1.htm Microsoft Office Service Release 2
10/01/1998 addtopab.exe SAMPLE: AddToPAB.exe Add Sender of Incoming Message to the PAB
09/30/1998 xslatezp.exe FILE: Xslatezp.exe Data Translation using JET as a Medium
09/29/1998 mdaccon.exe FILE:MDACCON.EXE Using Connection Strings w/ ODBC/OLEDB/ADO/RDS
09/24/1998 echoc.exe SAMPLE: Echoc.exe - Simple Overlapped Socket Client Sample
09/23/1998 adsibrow.exe SAMPLE: ADSIBrow.exe Browses Active Directory w/ Visual FoxPro
09/22/1998 enumsrv.exe FILE: EnumSrv.exe Finds Services in STATUS_START_PENDING State
09/22/1998 fix2lbar.exe Sample: Fix2lBar.exe Fixes Spacing Errors in MFC's CToolBar
09/22/1998 modlist.exe FILE: MODLIST.EXE Shows How to Enumerate Processes and Modules
09/21/1998 msmouse.exe MS-DOS Mouse Driver
09/21/1998 wbcustom.exe SAMPLE: WBCustomizer.dll Implements IDocHostUIHandler for VB
09/16/1998 mny_intg.exe Money Integrion Partner Institution Phone Number Modification File
09/16/1998 rs2dbf.exe SAMPLE: Rs2dbf.exe Converting ADO 2.x Recordset to VFP Cursor
09/14/1998 passthru.exe SAMPLE: Passthru.exe - Sample SCSI Passthrough VSD
09/11/1998 adsfshar.exe SAMPLE: ADSfshare.exe Demonstrates Manipulating ADS File Shares
09/10/1998 mnyupd7a.exe Money 99 Update
09/08/1998 mtafltr.hqx Updated Metafile Import Filter for Word 98 Macintosh Edition
09/05/1998 jetoledb.exe FILE: JetOleDb.exe Installs MsJetOleDb.h (Missing in VStudio6.0)
09/01/1998 msoutl.exe Schedule+ converter to read an Outlook Calendar
08/28/1998 worksy2k.exe Year 2000 Patch Available for Works for Windows
08/27/1998 resfile.exe SAMPLE: RESFILE.EXE Stores Any File Type in a Resource File
08/26/1998 irpq.exe SAMPLE: IRPQ.exe Shows How to Manage IRP Queuing WinNT Driver
08/26/1998 vcenum.exe SAMPLE: VCEnum.exe Demonstrates Walking Device Nodes List
08/26/1998 acthelp.exe Acthelp.exe Update for Parent's Room Help Is Incorrect
08/24/1998 dmachcka.exe DMACHECK.EXE for Windows NT is Now Available for Download
08/24/1998 dmachcki.exe DMACHECK.EXE for Windows NT is Now Available for Download
08/21/1998 instalar.exe Category Patch for Brazilian Version of Money 98
08/21/1998 vfp6int.exe Visual FoxPro 6.0 ODBC Driver FoxPro.int Resource File
08/21/1998 stg.exe SAMPLE: STG: MFC Docfile Viewer
08/20/1998 smemfilt.exe SAMPLE: Sharing Data Between ISAPI Filters & ISAPI Extensions
08/20/1998 smemext.exe SAMPLE: Sharing Data Between ISAPI Filters & ISAPI Extensions
08/18/1998 nt4lexo2.exe winNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Publisher Series
08/18/1998 swgame30.exe SideWinder Game Controllers Software Version 3.02
08/17/1998 dbf2rs.exe SAMPLE: Dbf2rs.exe Converts a VFP Cursor to ADO 2.x Recordset
08/17/1998 dun40.exe Windows 98 Dial-Up Networking Security Upgrade Available
08/17/1998 msdun13.exe Dial-Up Networking 1.3 Upgrade
08/17/1998 cst_wg3x.exe Customizing Windows for Workgroups 3.1x for Individuals with Disabilities
08/17/1998 cst_w95.exe Customizing Windows 95 for Individuals with Disabilities
08/17/1998 cst_nt4.exe Customizing Windows NT 4.0 for Individuals with Disabilities
08/17/1998 cst_w30.exe Customizing Windows 3.0 for Individuals with Disabilities
08/17/1998 cst_w3x.exe Customizing Windows 3.1x for Individuals with Disabilities
08/17/1998 cst_nt3x.exe Customizing Windows NT 3.x for Individuals with Disabilities
08/12/1998 notesdem.exe SAMPLE: NotesDem.exe Reads and Writes the Contacts NOTES Field
08/12/1998 vbcecomm.exe SAMPLE: VBCEComm.exe Uses the MSCEComm Control in Emulation
08/11/1998 taxmortg.exe Updating Tax and Mortgage Rates from the Internet
08/10/1998 aclicn97.exe AcLicn97
08/10/1998 adoevts.exe FILE: Capturing ADO Events with Visual C++
08/07/1998 sqloledb.exe FILE: SqlOleDb.h Not Installed by VC++ 6.0
08/06/1998 vfp6rt.exe FILE: Vfp6rt.exe Distributing Run-Time Files w/ Active Document
08/05/1998 ppt98vw.hqx Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 98
08/05/1998 filedrag.exe SAMPLE: FileDrag.exe Supports File Drag Server Capabilities
08/05/1998 analyze6.exe SAMPLE: Analyze6.Exe Utility for Visual SourceSafe
08/04/1998 llstream.exe SAMPLE: LLStream.exe Plays Streaming Audio Files
08/03/1998 aotblob.exe SAMPLE: AOTBLOB Read/Writes BLOB Using OLE DB Consumer Template
07/30/1998 mfcasync.exe Message-Oriented TCP and Multithreaded Client/Server
07/29/1998 html.hqx Microsoft(R) Internet Assistant Wizard Add-In for Microsoft Excel 5.0
07/28/1998 swffupd.exe Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro Performance Patch
07/27/1998 olrns.exe Microsoft Outlook 98 in run-from-server environments
07/26/1998 adbdmod.exe SAMPLE: Adbdmod.exe Demonstrates Using ADO 2.0 VC++ Binding
07/24/1998 fstqfe2b.exe FILE: MIFST UserKey QFE 101-2
07/24/1998 fstqfe2a.exe FILE: MIFST Crash Recovery QFE 101-2
07/23/1998 srvrs.exe SAMPLE: SRVRS.exe Uses VC++ to Get & Manipulate RDS Recordset
07/23/1998 fstqfe1.exe FILE: MIFST Web Client Development Kit QFE 101-1
07/22/1998 webapp.exe SAMPLE: WebApp.exe Enables User to Move WebBrowser Ctrl
07/22/1998 b64_samp.exe SAMPLE: Sample Base 64 Encoding and Decoding
07/21/1998 creaters.exe SAMPLE: CreateRS.exe Uses the CreateRecordset Function in VC++
07/21/1998 mmcdra~1.exe SAMPLE: MMCDragDrop.exe Using Drag & Drop White Paper on MSL
07/21/1998 olg.exe Online Users Guide
07/17/1998 secur98.exe Microsoft Outlook Security White paper
07/16/1998 wnetcom.exe SAMPLE: Using a COM Object to Access WNet Functions from VBasic
07/15/1998 mw0551.hqx Word for Macintosh 5.0: Grammar/Spelling Module Update Appnote
07/15/1998 mibtable.exe SAMPLE: MibTable.exe Enumerates an SNMP MIB Table
07/15/1998 gc0174.hqx MacWord 4.x and Earlier: Converting Between WordPerfect and Word for Macintosh
07/15/1998 wd97vba.exe SAMPLE: Wd97vba.exe Contains Header File w/ Word VBA Constants
07/14/1998 namefix.exe Patch to Correct Publisher 97 CD-ROM Friendly Name/Version Number
07/13/1998 viupdate.exe FILE: New Devisws.pkg for 0-Bytle File Save Problem
07/13/1998 uploadex.exe SAMPLE: Uploading a File to IIS Using a Browser
07/13/1998 dellinks.exe Delete Links Wizard Available on MSL
07/10/1998 rtffix1.exe FILE: RtfFix.exe Corrects Line Numbering in HLP Files
07/08/1998 webwon1.exe How The Web Was Won Pgs 175-179
07/07/1998 ol98qfe2.exe Utility to Prevent Creation of Outlook Express Icon
07/06/1998 ppt97sbs.exe PowerPoint 97 Step by Step Reporting Progress Template
07/03/1998 scriptex.exe SAMPLE: ScriptEx.exe Uses the ScriptControl with Visual Basicv
07/01/1998 y2ktrans.hqx PowerPoint Translator 8-4 Version 8.0.2
06/30/1998 mousedrv.htm How to Obtain the Lastest IntelliPoint Software Update
06/26/1998 vfpcom.exe SAMPLE: Vfpcom.exe Using COM Language Enhancements in VFP 6.0
06/26/1998 ppty2kus.exe PowerPoint 95/97 Year 2000 Fix
06/25/1998 runoff97.exe Running Office 97 Sample Files
06/25/1998 setupfix.exe SetupFix for Microsoft Office 97
06/23/1998 vb5sp3ds.exe FILE: VB5SP3DS.EXE Contains Visual Basic SP3 Debugging Symbols
06/23/1998 win98.txt How to Obtain Windows 98 Updates and Utilities
06/23/1998 batch98.exe "Deploying Windows 98 Using Batch 98 and Infinst.exe" White Paper
06/23/1998 vb6wlc~1.exe SAMPLE: VB6WLCTL.EXE Windowless Controls Demonstration
06/22/1998 projtrn4.exe Microsoft(R) Project 98 Training Materials: Modules 8-9
06/22/1998 projtrn3.exe Microsoft(R) Project 98 Training Materials: Modules 5-7
06/22/1998 projtrn2.exe Microsoft(R) Project 98 Training Materials: Module 4
06/22/1998 projtrn1.exe Microsoft(R) Project 98 Training Materials: Modules 1-3
06/19/1998 profinst.exe Profinst.exe
06/17/1998 ne568-9.exe Net Essentials 2nd. Ed. replacement pages
06/17/1998 convert.exe Converter for Microsoft Project for MS-DOS (R)
06/17/1998 projhtml.exe Microsoft Project HTML Converter
06/15/1998 adochunk.exe FILE: AdoChunk.exe Using GetChunk and AppendChunk in Visual C++
06/15/1998 ole_samp.exe SAMPLE: Ole_samp.exe to Microsoft Excel, Word, & PowerPoint
06/12/1998 supertip.exe SuperTip Demonstrates Tool Tips in an MFC Application
06/12/1998 arraycom.exe BETA-SAMPLE: ArrayCom.exe Passing Array To COM DLL by Reference
06/12/1998 pvbcore.exe FILE: Pvbcore.exe Contains Updated Pvbcore.dll
06/10/1998 cnpool.exe CnPool.exe Test Connection Pooling with Tempdb Objects
06/10/1998 cvtres1.exe FILE: Visual Studio 97 SP3 Installs Incorrect Cvtres.exe
06/09/1998 persist.exe SAMPLE: Persist.exe Persists Class Objects with VB6
06/09/1998 outstore.exe Outstore.dll Update for Synchronizing E-Mail with Shortcut Deletes Original Desktop File
06/09/1998 smsdb.exe Systems Management Server Database Maintenance Technical Paper
06/08/1998 fp98nsin.exe Netscape Communicator Integration Add-in for FrontPage
06/04/1998 pingctrl.exe SAMPLE: PingCtrl.exe Uses Winsock2 Features from Visual Basic
06/04/1998 wcat.exe WCAT
06/03/1998 physmem.exe SAMPLE: PhysMem.exe Gets Total Physical Memory Size
06/01/1998 splash.exe SAMPLE: 256 Color (Or More) Splash Screens For Applications
06/01/1998 icnvt.exe SAMPLE: ICnvt.exe OLEDB/IDataConvert Reads Oracle and MS DBs
06/01/1998 ptk_alp.exe SQL Server 6.5 Programmer's Toolkit (Alpha)
06/01/1998 ptk_i386.exe SQL Server 6.5 Programmer's Toolkit (Intel)
06/01/1998 ie4sp1.txt Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 Available
05/29/1998 intrfc.exe SAMPLE: Intrfc.exe Programmatically Retrieves IP Interface Info.
05/28/1998 cc2-20b.bin Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far Update Patch 2.0b for the Macintosh
05/28/1998 fixlogin.exe SQL Server 6.5 Resource Kit Sp_fixlogins Tool
05/27/1998 dibsectn.exe SAMPLE: DibSectn.exe Uses DIBSections in Win32
05/26/1998 enmeta.exe SAMPLE: How to Create & Play Enhanced Metafiles in Win32
05/24/1998 bankmail.exe PATCH: MIFST Sample BankMailSyncRS Not Accepted By MS Money
05/24/1998 fiproc.exe SAMPLE: FI Processing Component for MIFST
05/21/1998 ado2atl.exe SAMPLE: Ado2atl.exe Returns ADO Interfaces from COM
05/21/1998 odkpatch.exe Microsoft Outlook Deployment Kit Patch
05/21/1998 bldol981.exe Building Apps w/ MS Outlook 98 Patch
05/21/1998 hier3.exe FILE: Creating Certificate Hierarchies
05/20/1998 atlsink.exe AtlSink Uses ATL to Create a Dispinterface Sink
05/20/1998 ident.exe SAMPLE: Ident.exe Retrieves @@IDENTITY From ODBC Inserts
05/19/1998 pmtshoot.exe Power Management Trouble Shooter tool
05/19/1998 mfcsocs.exe SAMPLE: MFCSocs.exe Avoids Two Common MFC Socket Mistakes
05/19/1998 prj98vbe.exe Microsoft(R) Project 98 Visual Basic(R) Environment Training Materials
05/18/1998 pub97kb.exe Publisher 97 Knowledge Base Help File
05/18/1998 pub95kb.exe Publisher 95 Knowledge Base Help File
05/18/1998 pub20kb.exe Publisher 2.0 Knowledge Base Help File
05/15/1998 ipinst.exe SAMPLE: IPInst.exe Determines Whether TCP/IP Is Installed
05/14/1998 defbutn.exe SAMPLE: Enable Default Processing in a Subclassed Button Control
05/13/1998 omsgclas.exe OL97: Word 97 Document to Change Outlook Folder Message Class
05/12/1998 vadevdbg.exe PATCH: VADEVDBG.PKG Single Stepping Crashes With Register Window
05/11/1998 olcalndr.exe Create Microsoft Outlook monthly calendars
05/08/1998 vfphtml.exe Vfphtml.exe Demonstrates HTML Help in Visual FoxPro 3.0 and 5.0
05/07/1998 wavemix.exe Updated Wavemix.ini File For Return of Arcade
05/07/1998 cart101.exe CART Precision Racing Improvement Patch
05/07/1998 cc2-20b.exe Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far Patch 2.0b for Windows
05/06/1998 ia95.exe Access 95 Internet Assistant
05/06/1998 axsh.exe AXSH.EXE Demonstrates Implementing ActiveX Script Hosts
05/04/1998 wpwreg.exe wpwreg.exe
05/04/1998 pcidma.exe SAMPLE: PCIDMA.exe PCI Busmaster DMA Driver
05/04/1998 mfcwkthr.exe HOWTO: Implement Worker Threads Using MFC ISAPI Extension
05/01/1998 crtvdird.exe SAMPLE: Create and Delete Virtual Directories in IIS 4.0
05/01/1998 adoacc.exe Access ADO Demo
04/29/1998 setpal.exe SAMPLE: SetPal.exe Uses mciSendString() to Change .AVI Palette
04/29/1998 isctoll.exe How to Access Intuit Service Center from Canada
04/29/1998 sqlunpub.exe Remove Replication Stored Procedure
04/28/1998 msscpctl.exe FILE: MSSCPCTL.EXE Script Control Header File MSSCPCTL.H
04/28/1998 adojava1.exe FILE: Adojava1.exe ADO & JAVA Using UpdateBatch and CancelBatch
04/28/1998 adovcsp.exe FILE: Adovcsp.exe Demonstrates Using Stored Procedures with ADO
04/28/1998 11p32upd.exe Updated Pointer Files Available (Point32.exe, Point32.dll)
04/28/1998 21p32upd.exe IntelliPoint Software 2.1: Point32 Update Available
04/24/1998 pp95conf.exe Updated Presentation Conference DLL (Presconf.dll) File
04/24/1998 idxadovc.exe FILE: Idxadovc.exe Index Server, OLE DB & ADO in Visual C++
04/21/1998 shuihlpr.exe BUG: ShellUIHelper Not Registered Without IE4 Desktop Update
04/20/1998 formexit.exe SAMPLE: Formexit.exe EXIT Command May Leave Form Object Visible
04/16/1998 sfolder.exe SAMPLE: Sfolder.exe Gets the Path of a Special Folder
04/15/1998 nt4x610.exe winNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Publisher Series
04/15/1998 nt4x3006.exe winNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Publisher Series
04/15/1998 actgift.exe Update for Printing Gifts from the Parent's Room Gifts Area
04/15/1998 actblank.exe Update for Blank Screen or No Display on Right Side in Parent's Room
04/14/1998 audiolvl.exe SAMPLE: AUDIOLVL.EXE-Monitor Input and Output Audio Levels
04/13/1998 html.exe Microsoft(R) Internet Assistant Wizard Add-In for Microsoft Excel 5.0 or 7.0
04/10/1998 wordia.exe Microsoft Internet Assistant 1.0z for Microsoft Word
04/10/1998 macia20z.hqx Microsoft(R) Internet Assistant for Word for the Macintosh(R)
04/09/1998 srchrpc.exe Search and Replace Macro
04/09/1998 alxport.exe SAMPLE: Using HTML Layout Content in Internet Explorer 3.02, 4.0
04/08/1998 replcd97.exe Replication Sample Code Database
04/07/1998 ntetkfix.exe Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Training Patch
04/07/1998 hardvb2a.exe Hardcore Visual Basic 2nd Ed. Patch
04/07/1998 ie4tkfix.exe IE 4 Training Kit Fixes
04/07/1998 pptia95.exe Internet Assistant for PowerPoint 7.0
03/30/1998 ssadovb.exe SAMPLE: Ssadovb.exe Demonstrates Using OLEDB & ADO in VB
03/30/1998 etk50pid.exe PATCH: ETK50PID.EXE Incorrect Product ID Displayed in About Box
03/26/1998 olodkupd.exe OL98: Patch for Outlook Deployment Kit on April Select CD
03/25/1998 macsw3d.bin Macintosh SideWinder 3D Pro Files Available For Download
03/25/1998 header.exe FILE: Header File for Microsoft Outlook 97
03/24/1998 off97sr1.exe How to Obtain Microsoft(R) Office 97 Service Release 1 (SR-1)
03/23/1998 sh3.exe SPACK: Mips.exe and Sh3.exe Windows CE Network Client
03/23/1998 mips.exe SPACK: Mips.exe and Sh3.exe Windows CE Network Client
03/23/1998 rplfaq97.exe Microsoft Access Replication FAQ
03/19/1998 tahoma32.exe Self-Installing Microsoft(R) Tahoma Font with Euro Symbol
03/18/1998 newdao.exe Modified Dao350.dll File for Microsoft(R) Excel 97
03/18/1998 regclean.exe RegClean 4.1a build 7364.1
03/17/1998 cecalfix.exe Windows CE/Outlook Sync problems solved
03/17/1998 rdsvb.exe FILE: Rdsvb.exe Demonstrates How to Use RDS with Visual Basic
03/16/1998 mmmctrl.exe SAMPLE: Mmmctrl.exe Demonstrates Using Multiple Sound Cards
03/16/1998 rtwizaxp.exe FILE: Rtwizx86.exe and Rtwizaxp.exe Create New Resource Types
03/16/1998 rtwizx86.exe FILE: Rtwizx86.exe and Rtwizaxp.exe Create New Resource Types
03/13/1998 wp1158.exe MS Project 4.0: Updated Timesheet Program Timetrak.exe
03/13/1998 checklcl.exe SAMPLE: CheckLCL.exe Finds Corresponding Local Path for UNC Name
03/13/1998 mspfctlx.exe Fix for Errors Running Money with Third-Party Programs
03/12/1998 off97pol.exe Microsoft(R) Office 97 White Paper: Controlling Where Office Stores Documents and Templates on a Network
03/11/1998 fixres.exe PRB: Large Resources Cause Resource Corruption on Windows 95
03/10/1998 adovcbm.exe FILE: Adovcbm.exe ADO 1.5 with #import and Getrows/Bookmarks
03/09/1998 dumppci.exe SAMPLE: How To Dynamically Load or Unload a Driver
03/06/1998 osr21dbg.exe SAMPLE: OSR21dbg.exe Debugs binaries for USB Supplement to OSR2
03/06/1998 getaddr.exe SAMPLE: GetAddr.exe Demonstrates IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS
03/05/1998 playwave.exe FILE: Playwave.exe Demonstrates How To Play a Sound File
03/04/1998 adovj.exe FILE: Adovj.exe Demonstrates How to Use ADO with Visual J++
03/04/1998 nt4c2460.exe winNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library CANON Series
03/04/1998 spoutput.exe Retrieving Output Parameters From Stored Procedure
03/02/1998 prntimg.exe Macro for Printing Converted Notes Pages
02/27/1998 nt4msppd.exe winNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Publisher Series
02/27/1998 nt4ibm24.exe winNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library IBM Series
02/27/1998 mqasp.exe FILE: Mqasp.exe MSMQ Basic Queue Operations Using IIS/ASP
02/27/1998 vbc.exe FILE: Vbc.exe Fixes VB 5.0 Control Installation Problem
02/26/1998 htmlhak1.exe HTML Help Authoring Kit Errata Files
02/25/1998 prpfont.exe SAMPLE: PRPFONT--How to Set CPropertySheet Fonts
02/25/1998 midismpl.exe SAMPLE: MIDISmpl.exe Demonstrates How To Control MIDI Devices
02/25/1998 nt4d640.exe WinNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Hewlett-Packard series
02/25/1998 nt4hpoj.exe WinNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Hewlett-Packard series
02/25/1998 nt4canbj.exe winNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Canon series
02/23/1998 draw98.exe Microsoft Draw 98
02/20/1998 iehelper.exe FILE: IEHelper-Attaching to IE4 using a Browser Helper Object
02/19/1998 cdplyr.exe FILE: Cdplyr.exe Demonstrates Using the mciSendString Function
02/19/1998 daoddx.exe How to Populate a List or Combo Box with Recordset Data
02/18/1998 intrpl97.exe Internet Replication White Paper
02/18/1998 joystick.exe SAMPLE: Joystick.exe Calls the Joystick API Functions
02/17/1998 checkcnt.exe Fix for Incorrect Number of Checks to Be Printed
02/17/1998 noclick.exe FILE: NoClick.exe Illustrates Click Method Of StatusBar OCX
02/17/1998 portio.exe SAMPLE: PortIO.exe Demonstrates How to Reserve Ports
02/16/1998 prj98fld.exe Microsoft(R) Project 98 Fields and Definitions White Paper
02/16/1998 nereadme.exe Networking Essentials, 2nd Ed. Readme.txt
02/16/1998 regview.exe SAMPLE: Shell Namespace Extension Example
02/13/1998 mscsfix.exe Fix for Error "Server.CreateObject Fails..." After Installing IIS 4.0
02/11/1998 itupd.exe Update for IntelliType Software Version 1.1 for Windows NT 4.0
02/11/1998 profdel.exe Profdel.exe Prevents the Game Device Profiler from Loading
02/11/1998 sndbarny.exe Prevent Microsoft Actimates Software Titles from Prompting You to Update Your Existing Sound Card Drivers
02/11/1998 toyupd.exe Fix For Error Message "This toy is not authorized by Cyclops Software."
02/10/1998 regmaid.exe FILE: RegMaid.exe Helps Clean Up the Registry
02/10/1998 sssccsp2.exe BUG: "The Database is Unavailable..." When Opening Project
02/09/1998 adovcbtd.exe FILE: Adovcbtd.exe #import Using UpdateBatch and CancelBatch
02/06/1998 swndr20.exe Microsoft SideWinder Game Devices Software Version 2.0
02/04/1998 adomts.exe FILE: Adomts.exe Shows Using ADO w/ an MTS component via DCOM
02/02/1998 aspwiz.exe Active Server Page Sample Web
01/29/1998 ppview16.exe Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer for 16-Bit Operating Systems (Windows 3.1)
01/28/1998 a97sbslt.exe A97SBSLT.EXE: Credit Letter.doc for "Microsoft Access 97 Step by Step"
01/27/1998 sbfmqb5.exe Microsoft(R) Small Business Financial Manager 97 QuickBooks 5.0 Filter for Microsoft Excel 97
01/27/1998 dbl622.exe Dblspace.bin File from MS-DOS 6.22
01/26/1998 headline.exe Fix for Internet Headlines Disappearing
01/23/1998 avirsce.exe FILE: AVIRSCE.EXE Plays an AVI Stored in a Resource .dll File
01/23/1998 slavedma.exe FILE: How to Use Slave DMA
01/23/1998 busmast.exe FILE: Handles DMA on Bus Master Device Using WinNT
01/22/1998 enc98lur.exe Encarta 1998 Encyclopedia Lookup Functionality
01/21/1998 draw97.exe Microsoft Draw 97
01/21/1998 vipup11.exe Updated TCP/IP Stack for Windows 95
01/15/1998 mdbr1.exe Multi-Disk Backup Utility
01/15/1998 offpro97.exe Offpro97.inf File for International English Microsoft(R) Office 97
01/14/1998 ne2labs.exe Networking Essentials, 2nd Ed. Lab Errata
01/07/1998 consolid.exe Workbook Consolidation Wizard for Microsoft(R) Excel 97
01/07/1998 mdacsql.exe ODBC Client Error After Connecting Using MDAC SQL Server Driver
01/05/1998 volume.exe FILE: VOLUME.EXE: Set Volum Control Levels Using Visual Basic
01/03/1998 vbobjvw.exe FILE: Automating IE from Within a Contained VB ActiveX Control
12/31/1997 idxadovb.exe FILE: Using Index Server OLE DB Provider and ADO in Visual Basic
12/31/1997 fs98pat1.exe Patch Set 1 (Fs98pat1.exe) for Flight Simulator 98
12/30/1997 nmpipe.exe FILE: NMPipe.exe Sample Opens a Named Pipe Created in User-Mode
12/30/1997 listarr.exe FILE: Using Arrays For List Box Row Sources
12/30/1997 listarr.hqx FILE: Using Arrays For List Box Row Sources
12/29/1997 hookctrl.exe Hooking into the IUnknown of a COM Object in MFC
12/22/1997 iesdk401.exe FILE: Internet Explorer 4.01 Refresh of the Internet Client SDK
12/22/1997 treeview.exe SAMPLE: Manipulating and Saving the Nodes in a TreeView Control
12/22/1997 hlinkaxd.exe FILE: HLINKAXD Demonstrates a Hyperlinking Active Document
12/19/1997 projodbc.exe Microsoft(R) Project 98 (Non-Project 98 SR-1) ODBC SQL Server Driver
12/19/1997 sampcdo.exe FILE: Collaboration Data Objects with Visual C++
12/17/1997 statest.exe SAMPLE: Statest.exe Reads Status of Parallel Port
12/17/1997 oralong.exe FILE: ORALONG.EXE: Use RDO with Oracle LONG and LONG RAW Datatypes
12/16/1997 mfccdo.exe FILE: Collaboration Data Objects with Visual C++
12/15/1997 mxlmacro.hqx Microsoft(R) Excel 4.0 Macro Help
12/11/1997 mdacred.exe FILE: Required Files to Redistribute MDAC Version 1.5
12/11/1997 vtcpup20.exe Updated TCP/IP for Windows 95 with WinSock 2 Update
12/10/1997 neatcd97.exe Neat Code for Access 97
12/09/1997 nt4lexop.exe WinNT 4.0 (All Platforms) Driver Library Lexmark Optra series
12/08/1997 msvbvm50.exe FILE: MSVBVM50.EXE Installs Visual Basic 5.0 Run-time Files
12/05/1997 ml613.exe MASM 613 Patch
12/03/1997 favread.exe FILE: FAVREAD Reads Internet Shortcuts from Favorites Folder
12/03/1997 vtcpup11.exe Updated TCP/IP for Windows 95 Without WinSock 2 Update
12/02/1997 macrofun.exe Help File with Topics for Creating Microsoft(R) Excel 4.0 Macros in Excel 97 or Excel 7.0 for Windows(R)
12/02/1997 wfwfilup.exe Updated File Manager for WFW 3.11 and Post-Year-2000 Dates
12/02/1997 w31filup.exe Updated File Manager for Windows 3.1 and Post-Year-2000 Dates
12/01/1997 bullets.exe Numbered Bullets Add-In
12/01/1997 javadraw.exe FILE: Javadraw.exe MSMQ Java Drawing Sample Using SafeArrays
11/25/1997 netbios.exe SAMPLE: NetBIOS Client and Server Sample
11/25/1997 axdocfix.exe BUG: Cannot Navigate Away from MFC Active Document in IE4
11/25/1997 mapiasst.exe FILE: MAPI ASSERT Debug Routines
11/21/1997 etcprot.exe FILE: EtcProtocol Demonstrates Pluggable Protocol Handler
11/21/1997 hsrex.exe FILE: Using HttpSendRequestEx for Large POST Requests
11/21/1997 vfpmsuwz.hqx FILE: New Setup Wizard for Visual FoxPro Using OS 8
11/20/1997 vipup20.exe Updated TCP/IP Stack for Windows 95 and Winsock 2 Update
11/19/1997 remideup.exe Updated ESDI_506.PDR For Windows 95
11/18/1997 glen.exe SAMPLE: Pixel Format Enumeration in OpenGL Demo
11/18/1997 guidscan.exe FILE: View or Change GUID in a SourceSafe Database
11/13/1997 pp8to7.exe PowerPoint 97 Converter for PowerPoint 95
11/13/1997 pp8trans.exe PowerPoint 4.0 Translator for PowerPoint 97 Files
11/13/1997 pp8_68k.hqx PowerPoint 97-98 Import Converter for PowerPoint 4.0 (680x0 version)
11/13/1997 pp8_ppc.hqx PowerPoint 97-98 Import Converter for PowerPoint 4.0 (PowerPC version)
11/13/1997 awfxcg32.exe Dll file prevents error message "Outlook Caused an Invalid Page Fault"
11/12/1997 jetutils.exe Microsoft Jet Utilities
11/11/1997 prtlgpct.exe FILE: PRTLGPCT.EXE: Print a Large Bitmap on Multiple Pages
11/11/1997 getdrive.exe FILE: How To List the Drives on a Win32 System
11/11/1997 gc0165.exe Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification v. 1.5
11/07/1997 joyflt.exe FILE: Joystick and Keyboard Filter Drivers
11/07/1997 replic35.exe ACC97: Microsoft Jet 3.5 Replication White Paper
11/06/1997 jeterr35.exe Jeterr35.hlp for DAO 3.5 in Visual C++ 5.0
11/04/1997 vb5sp2ds.exe FILE: VB5SP2DS.EXE: Visual Basic SP2 Debugging Symbols
11/03/1997 mipssp4.exe SQL Server 4.21a Service Pack 4 (MIPS)
11/03/1997 alpsp4.exe SQL Server 4.21a Service Pack 4 (Alpha)
11/03/1997 odbc35c.exe FILE: Required Files to Redistribute ODBC Version 3.5

samples 目录包含以下内容

samples\desk\access\technote\modcall\ Access Workflow Designer Document-Library Sample Template
samples\desk\office\of2kreg\ Office 2000/Windows 2000 Registry Repair Utility for Office 2000 Service Release 1
samples\desk\office\of97sr2b\jet35sp3\ Microsoft Jet 3.5 Service Pack 2
samples\desk\office\of97sr2b\o97dtfix\ Office 97 Year 2000 Update
samples\desk\office\offxprk\ Office XP Resource Kit Updated Core Toolset
samples\desk\office\tools\cilupdt\ Update for 'Clip Art Buffer Overrun' Vulnerability
samples\desk\office\tools\o2kuactl\ Office 2000 Security Update: UA Control Vulnerability
samples\desk\office\tools\odbc\ Excel 2000 and Excel 97 ODBC Vulnerability Security Update
samples\desk\office\tools\of2khtm\ Update for "Microsoft Office HTML Object Tag" Vulnerability (Office 2000)
samples\desk\office\tools\offhtml\ Update for "The Office HTML Script" Vulnerability and a Workaround for "The IE Script" Vulnerability
samples\desk\office\tools\ofxpspell\ Office XP SP1 Speller Update: April 25, 2002
samples\desk\outlook\tools\o2kattch\ Outlook 2000 Email Attachment Security Update
samples\desk\outlook\tools\o2ksecup\ Outlook 98/2000 E-mail Security Update Administrative Update
samples\desk\outlook\tools\o2ksecup\ Outlook 98/2000 E-mail Security Update Template
samples\desk\outlook\tools\o97attch\ Outlook 97 Email Attachment Security Update
samples\desk\outlook\tools\o98attch\ Outlook 98 Email Attachment Security Update
samples\desk\outlook\tools\outpatch\ Outlook 2000 SR-1 Update: E-mail Security
samples\desk\outlook\tools\outpatch\ Outlook 98 E-mail Security Update
samples\desk\outlook\tools\q261255\ Update for "Malformed E-mail Header" Vulnerability (Outlook Express)
samples\desk\outlook\tools\q261255\ Update for "Persistent Mail-Browser Link" Vulnerability (Outlook Express)
samples\desk\outlook\tools\y2koutex\sp1\ Outlook Express Year 2000 Update
samples\desk\outlook\tools\y2koutex\sp2\ Outlook Express Year 2000 Update
samples\desk\visio\viewer\ Visio 2002/2000 Viewer Web Component
samples\desk\word\ Patch for 'Word Mail Merge' Vulnerability (Word 97 and Word 2000)
samples\devtools\dotnet\netfwred\ Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable
samples\ecom\lrn\ Learning Resource iNterchange (LRN) Toolkit
samples\hardware\intpt31a\ IntelliPoint 3.1a
samples\hardware\upm\ Ultimate Printer Manual
samples\internet\idc\ Internet Data Center (IDC) Guides
samples\internet\server\biztalk\learning\ Learning BizTalk Server 2000 Sample Files
samples\internet\server\biztalk\zistlkt\ BizTalk Server 2000 Zone Integration Server (ZIS) Toolkit
samples\internet\server\commserv\csperftk\ Commerce Server Performance Tools
samples\internet\server\iis\migwiz\ Apache Migration Source Component
samples\internet\server\iis\migwiz\ Internet Information Server Migration Target Component
samples\internet\server\iis\migwiz\ Internet Information Server Migration Wizard
samples\internet\server\iis\shs\ Scalable Hosting Solution 1.0 for Internet Information Server 5.0
samples\internet\server\iis\tools\hisecweb\ High Security Template for Windows 2000 Websites
samples\internet\server\iis\tools\iisrecyl\ Internet Information Server 5.0 Process Recycling Tool
samples\internet\server\mis\ Exchange 2000 Active Directory Connector
samples\internet\server\mis\actsynch\ Microsoft Server ActiveSync Beta 2 XIP Client Software for Pocket PC 2002
samples\internet\server\sharepts\hotfix\ SharePoint Portal Server Patch for Upgrade from the Evaluation Edition
samples\internet\server\sharepts\sdk\ SharePoint Team Services Software Development Kit
samples\internet\server\sharepts\ssc\ SharePoint Team Service Self-Service Site Creation Add-in
samples\internet\server\sitesrv\ss3unatt\ Site Server 3.0 Unattended Installer
samples\internet\server\sitesrv\ss3w2k\ Patch File to Install Site Server 3.0 on Windows 2000
samples\internet\server\sitesrv\ssuaplus\ Site Server Usage Analysis Plus Toolkit
samples\internet\server\winmedia\tools\q273014\ Patch for 'Unicast Service Race Condition' Vulnerability (Windows Media Services 4.0 - 4.1)
samples\internet\server\winmedia\tools\q274303\ Patch for 'OCX Attachment' Vulnerability (Windows Media Player 7)
samples\internet\server\winmedia\tools\wmencode\ Windows Media Encoder 7
samples\internet\server\winmedia\tools\wmodp\ Windows Media On-Demand Producer
samples\internet\server\winmedia\tools\wmp7\ Windows Media Player 7 for Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows ME
samples\internet\server\winmedia\tools\wmp7\ Windows Media Player 7 Plug-in for Netscape 3+
samples\internet\server\winmedia\tools\wmp7\bonus\ Windows Media Player 7 Bonus Pack
samples\java\msjvm\debug\ Microsoft Virtual Machine Updates for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0 and 2000
samples\java\msjvm\msvm2x86\ Microsoft Virtual Machine Updates for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0 and 2000
samples\java\msjvm\msvm5x86\ Microsoft Virtual Machine Updates for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0 and 2000
samples\java\msjvm\win2000\ Microsoft Virtual Machine Updates for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0 and 2000
samples\script\ System Administration Scripting Guide Series
samples\security\hfnetchk\ HFSNetCheck ReadMe
samples\security\hfnetchk\ HFSNetChk
samples\security\iislckdn\ Internet Information Server Lockdown
samples\security\iislckdn\ Internet Information Server Lockdown ReadMe
samples\security\msbsa\ Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
samples\security\mspsa\ Microsoft Personal Security Advisor
samples\security\olsecup\ Outlook Security Update Readme
samples\security\olsecup\ Outlook Security Update
samples\security\qchain\ QChain
samples\security\qchain\ QChain ReamMe
samples\security\urlscan\ URLScan Readme
samples\srvnetwk\bos\tools\tpu\ Team Productivity Update Windows 2000 Readiness Kit
samples\srvnetwk\exch\hosted\ Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Hosting Series Scripts
samples\srvnetwk\exch\pagguide\ Exchange 2000 Server Upgrade Job Aids
samples\srvnetwk\exch\technote\secroles\ Exchange 2000 Web Storage System Security Roles Code Sample
samples\srvnetwk\exch\technote\webstore\ Exchange 2000: Web Storage System, Workflow Tools, and CDO Turbocharge Collaboration Apps Code Samples
samples\srvnetwk\exch\tools\lovlettr\alpha\ Information for Exchange Server Users About the Love Letter Virus (Alpha)
samples\srvnetwk\exch\tools\lovlettr\intel\ Information for Exchange Server Users About the Love Letter Virus (Intel)
samples\srvnetwk\mom\event\ Agent Manager Events Spreadsheet
samples\srvnetwk\msopsmgr\help\ Microsoft Operations Manager Product Help
samples\srvnetwk\sbs\tools\faxw2k\ Small Business Server 4.5 Fax Client for Windows 2000
samples\srvnetwk\sbs\tools\modemw2k\ Modem Sharing Service Patch for Windows 2000 Professional Client Machines
samples\srvnetwk\sms\ Systems Management Server 2.0 Tool: Active Directory/SMS Collection Synchronization Tools
samples\srvnetwk\sql\profifix\ SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3 Profiler and Agent Alerts Fix (English, Alpha)
samples\srvnetwk\sql\profifix\ SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3 Profiler and Agent Alerts Fix (English, Intel)
samples\srvnetwk\sql\profifix\ SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3 Profiler and Agent Alerts Fix (French, Intel)
samples\srvnetwk\sql\profifix\ SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3 Profiler and Agent Alerts Fix (German, Intel)
samples\srvnetwk\sql\profifix\ SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3 Profiler and Agent Alerts Fix (Spanish, Intel)
samples\srvnetwk\sql\sqlxml30sp1 SQLXML 3.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
samples\srvnetwk\sql\tools\ SQL Server 7.0 Data Transformation Services Task Kit 1
samples\srvnetwk\sql\tools\ SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Manager Add-In Kit
samples\srvnetwk\sql\tools\ Update for "SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack Password" Vulnerability
samples\srvnetwk\sql\tools\mdac2_7\ Microsoft Data Access Components 2.7 RTM - Refresh (2.70.9001.0)
samples\technol\internet\hal\ HTML AutoLayout Rules (HAL)
samples\tnnews\techans\interorg\ Kixtart Utility
samples\tnnews\techans\inuse\ InUse Utility
samples\windows\directx\ DirectX 8.0a for Windows 2000
samples\windows\directx\ DirectX 8.0a for Windows 9x
samples\windows\testplan\nt4testp\ Windows NT 4.0 Desktop Application Test Plan
samples\windows\testplan\nt4ttool\ Windows NT 4.0 Test Plan Support Tools
samples\windows\testplan\w2ktestp\ Windows 2000 Desktop Application Test Plan
samples\windows\testplan\w2kttool\ Windows 2000 Test Plan Support Tools
samples\windows\testplan\w95testp\ Windows 95 Desktop Application Test Plan
samples\windows\testplan\w95ttool\ Windows 95 Test Plan Support Tools
samples\windows\testplan\w98testp\ Windows 98 Desktop Application Test Plan
samples\windows\testplan\w98ttool\ Windows 98 Test Plan Support Tools
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\adbo\ Active Directory Branch Office Guide DC Staging Checklist
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\adbo\ Active Directory Branch Office Guide Deployment Planning Template
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\adbo\ Active Directory Branch Office Guide Hub Site Checklist
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\adbo\ Active Directory Branch Office Guide Scripts
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\adbo\ Active Directory Branch Office Guide Staging Site Checklist
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\appkit\ Windows 2000 Application Compatibility Toolkit 1.5
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\opsguide\ Security Operations Guide for Windows 2000 Server
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\pmtu\ PMTU Detection Update
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\sfu_167983\ Curses Applications on Interix Demo
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\sfu_167986\ X-Windows Applications on Interix Demo
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\aolsupp\ AOL Image Support Update for Windows 2000
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\appupd\ Windows 2000 Compatibility Updates
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\ccmdepl\ Windows 2000 Group Policy Settings
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\datacm\ Windows Datacenter Configuration Manager
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\dcdiag\ Active Directory DNS Requirements Diagnostic
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\epal\ Elevated Privileges Application Launcher
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\grppol\ Windows 2000 Group Policy Scenarios
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\iislock\ Windows 2000 Internet Server Security Configuration Tool
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\interix\ Microsoft Interix 2.2 Subsystem Update
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\kerberos\ Windows 2000: Kerberos PAC Specification 1.0
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\printmig\ Microsoft Printer Migrator 2000 Service Pack 1
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\q255669\ Windows 2000 Encryption Protection Update
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\taskschd\ Task Scheduler Using VBScript
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\uam\ Microsoft User Authentication Module (UAM) Version 5.0.5
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\wintime\ Windows Time Service: Time Client Policy
samples\windows\win2000\win2ksrv\tools\wintime\ Windows Time Service: Time Source Policy
samples\windows\win95\tools\malipx95\ Patch for 'Malformed IPX NMPI Packet' Vulnerability (Windows 95/98/Me)
samples\windows\win95\tools\msdun13\ Dial Up Networking 1.3 Performance & Security Update for Windows 95
samples\windows\win95\tools\q259728\ Patch for "IP Fragment Reassembly" Vulnerability (Windows 95)
samples\windows\win95\tools\telnet\ Windows 95 Malformed Telnet Argument Update
samples\windows\win95\tools\vpn95\ Windows 95 Virtual Private Networking Update
samples\windows\win95\tools\w95y2k\ Windows 95 Year 2000 Update
samples\windows\win95\tools\y2kw95co\ Windows 95 Year 2000 Corporate Update Readme File
samples\windows\win98\tools\shutsup\ Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement
samples\windows\win98\tools\telnet\ Windows 98 Malformed Telnet Argument Update
samples\windows\win98\tools\vpn98\ Windows 98 Virtual Private Networking Update
samples\windows\win98\tools\y2kw982\ Windows 98 Year 2000 Update 2
samples\windows\wininst\nt4\ Windows Installer for Windows NT 4.0
samples\windows\wininst\w9x\ Windows Installer for Windows 9x
samples\windows\winnt\ntwrkstn\dsclient\ Active Directory Client Extensions
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\reskit40\y2knt4rk\ Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit Year 2000 Updates
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\technote\implint\dialon\ Windows NT 4.0 Dial-on-Demand Policy File
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\netdom\alpha\ Netdom Version 1.8 for Windows NT 4.0 (Alpha)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\netdom\x86\ Netdom Version 1.8 for Windows NT 4.0 (Intel)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\q244599\alpha\ C2 Security Update for Windows NT 4.0 (Alpha)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\q244599\x86\ C2 Security Update for Windows NT 4.0 (Intel)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\q245148\alpha\ Winlogon Service Update for Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 (Alpha)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\q245148\x86\ Winlogon Service Update for Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 (Intel)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\q259496\q259496a\ Tool for "OffloadModExpo Registry Permissions" Vulnerability (Windows NT 4.0, Alpha)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\q259496\q259496i\ Tool for "OffloadModExpo Registry Permissions" Vulnerability (Windows NT 4.0, Intel)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\scopy\ Scopy.exe for Windows NT 4.0
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\sgcupd\q249863a\ Update for Web Connections Using SGC (Alpha Standard Encryption)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\sgcupd\q249863i\ Update for Web Connections Using SGC (Intel Standard Encryption)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\sgcupd\sgcupda\ Update for Web Connections Using SGC (Alpha High Encryption)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\sgcupd\sgcupdi\ Update for Web Connections Using SGC (Intel High Encryption)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\uptime\alpha\ Uptime Utility (Alpha)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\uptime\x86\ Uptime Utility (Intel)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\w32time\exe\ W32Time Network Time Service For Windows NT 4.0
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\w32time\ini\ W32Time Network Time Service For Windows NT 4.0 (Ini File)
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\windebug\32bit\ 32-bit Debugging Tools for Windows
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\windebug\32bit\ Windows Installer 1.1
samples\windows\winnt\winntas\tools\windebug\64bit\ 64-bit Debugging Tools for Windows
samples\windows\winxp\appkit\ Windows XP Application Compatibility Toolkit 2.0
samples\windows\winxp\bootvis\ Windows XP Bootvis Performance Tool
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