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microsoft easyball

microsoft® easyball®

easyball the mouse for smart little hands

discover the easy-to-use mouse that gives children ages two to six a big head start with computers!

recommended for kids ages 2-6

microsoft hardware homepage

product screen shot
  • an input device specifically designed for kids
    the large trackball encourages gross motor movement. easyball remains stationary, eliminating the problem small children have in repositioning a mouse. the stationary design also separates button pressing from navigation, making it less likely that a child will miss an on-screen target. a single, large button means kids are less likely to make mistakes by either missing the button or pressing the wrong one. two kid-appropriate default settings for both cursor and double-click mouse speeds make it easier for kids to control the mouse cursor.
  • solid, durable design and adult-removable ball for easy cleaning.
  • compatible with your existing hardware
    easyball works with software that supports the microsoft mouse or a compatible pointing device . when an unused serial port is available, microsoft easyball can be used together with a standard mouse, so parents and children can use the pc together.
  • cool software and accessories
    the easyball collection of unique mouse cursors makes computing more fun for kids. kids can play the microsoft easyball pointerland game to pick their cursors and discover hidden objects, animation, and fun noises in a barnyard scene. easyball also includes freddi fish
    and the case of the missing kelp seeds.

system requirements


486/33 or higher processor
640k of ram
4 mb of ram to play pointerland
8 mb of ram to play freddi fish
3 mb of available hard-disk space
super vga (for full 256-color support) with local bus
double-speed cd-rom drive
operating system
® 3.1 or higher
a 9-pin serial port that is unused by internal and external devices (9-25-pin serial adapter is available directly from microsoft). if an unused serial port is not available, customers can order a mouseswitch directly from microsoft.
sound card with headphones or speakers required for sound

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