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microsoft home essentials 98

microsoft® home essentials 98

home essentials 98

the total solution for your home pc needs

experience home computing that’s easy, fast, and hassle-free! whether you are writing a school report, creating a greeting card, updating an address list, cruising the web, or balancing your budget, home essentials 98 has the latest, full versions of the programs you need to accomplish your home pc tasks!

microsoft home essentials homepage

product screen shotshome essentials 98 includes:
  • word 97 - the word processor that unleashes the power of your words
  • encarta® 98 - the world standard in multimedia encyclopedias
  • money 98 - the easy way to manage your money
  • works 4.5 - the world’s most popular integrated software for windows®
  • greetings workshop - home publishing with hallmark
  • entertainment pack - the puzzle collection - games so engaging the challenge is to stop
  • internet explorer 3.02 - the best way to browse the internet and send e-mail
  • internet access offer from msn™, the microsoft network online service - free for 2 months: msn members-only content
  • the essentials site - previews and easy links to microsoft web sites.

system requirements


pentium 90 or higher
12 mb of ram to run an individual application
16 mb or more to run multiple applications simultaneously
36-202 mb of available hard-disk space for installation of all the products
150mb for typical installation (hard-disk space will vary for each application)
super vga (for full 256-color support)
double-speed cd-rom drive
operating system
® 95 or higher
microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device
windows-compatible color printer recommended

for online features
hayes-compatible 14.4 modem or faster and internet access recommended
microsoft internet explorer 3.0 or later compatible browser with activex™ controls and java™ support for access to the web sited referenced on the essential site
internet access

note: microsoft home essentials 98 comes on four cd-roms.

related products

works 4.5
works 4.5
msn: the microsoft network
the microsoft network
greetings workshop
greetings workshop
encarta 98 encyclopedia
encarta 98 encyclopedia
the internet gaming zone
the internet gaming zone
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